XC Open source finite element analysis program
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456789101112]
 CXC::Body::BodyFaceSurface that limits the body (face as seen by the body)
 CXC::CellBase class for cells (cross-section discretization)
 CXC::CommMetaDataData about the index, size,,... of the object to transmit
 CXC::CommParametersCommunication parameters between processes
 CXC::Conc02HistoryVarsConcrete02 history variables
 CXC::DbTagDataVector que almacena los dbTags de los miembros de la clase
 CXC::DefaultTagDefault tag
 CXC::DistributedBaseBase class for distributed processing
 CXC::DOF_GrpConstIterIterator over DEF groups
 CXC::DOF_GrpIterIterator over DOF groups
 CXC::ElementalLoadIterIterador sobre las elemental loads
 CXC::ElementIterIterator over an element container
 CXC::FE_EleConstIterConst iterator over the finite elements of the model
 CXC::FE_EleIterIterator over the finite element of the model
 CXC::FEM_ObjectBrokerFEM_ObjectBroker is is an object broker class for the finite element method. All methods are virtual to allow for subclasses; which can be used by programmers when introducing new subclasses of the main objects
 CXC::FiberDataFiber data
 CXC::FVectorElement internal forces
 CXC::GaussModelBase class for Gauss integration models
 CXC::GraphPartitionerGraphPartitioner is an abstract base class. Its subtypes are responsible for partioning the vertices of a graph. The partitioning is done in the method partition which sets the colors of the vertices of the graph to colors 1 through numParrtitions
 CXC::IntegrationPointsCoordsStores the coordinates of the integration points
 CXC::Lagrange_FELagrange_FE is a subclass of FE_Element which handles _Constraints using the Lagrange method
 CXC::LoadIterIterator over loads
 CXC::LoadPatternIterLoad pattern iterator
 CXC::MachineBrokerA MachineBroker is responsible for getting an actor process running on the parallel machine
 CXC::MEDMapConectividadInformation about mesh cells connectivity
 CXC::MEDMapIndicesMap between the indexes in XC and in MEDMEM
 CXC::MEDMapNumCeldasPorTipoNumber of cells de cada tipo
 CXC::MessageMessage between processes
 CXC::MFreedom_ConstraintIterIterator over multi-freedom constraints
 CXC::MRMFreedom_ConstraintIterIterador over multiple retained nodal constraints
 CXC::NMPointCloudBase(N,M) point set base
 CXC::NodalLoadIterIterador sobre las nodal loads
 CXC::NodeIterIterador sobre el conteedor de nodos
 CXC::NodeLockerIterIterador sobre los objetos de tipo NodeLocker
 CXC::ObjectBrokerBase class for brokers
 CXC::ParamAgotTNParameter that define the ultimate limit states of a RC section under normal stresses
 CXC::ParticlePos3dNatural coordinates of an element's particle
 CXC::PivotsPivot positions computed for a bending plane
 CXC::PotentialSurfaceThe goal is to create a platform for efficient and easy implemetation of any elasto-plastic constitutive model
 CXC::QuadRuleIntegration rule (quadrature)
 CXC::SecuenciaLadosOrder in edges of an hexaedron face
 CXC::SFreedom_ConstraintIterIterator over single freedom constraints
 CXC::ShellBDataAuxiliary data for shell elements
 CXC::TaggedObjectIterAn TaggedObjectIter is an iter for returning the Components of an object of class TaggedObjectStorage. It must be written for each subclass of TaggedObjectStorage (this is done for efficiency reasons), hence the abstract base class
 CXC::UnbalAndTangentVector de fuerza desequilibrada y tangent stiffness matrix
 CXC::UnbalAndTangentStorageVector de fuerza desequilibrada y tangent stiffness matrix
 CXC::VertexIterIterator over the vertices of the graph
 CXC::YieldSurfaceThe goal is to create a platform for efficient and easy implemetation of any elasto-plastic constitutive model