XC Open source finite element analysis program
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Analysis of the time-dependent response of the model. More...

#include <TransientAnalysis.h>

Inheritance diagram for XC::TransientAnalysis:
XC::Analysis XC::DirectIntegrationAnalysis XC::VariableTimeStepDirectIntegrationAnalysis

Public Member Functions

virtual int analyze (int numSteps, double dT)=0
 Performs the analysis.
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::Analysis
SoluMethodgetSoluMethodPtr (void)
DomaingetDomainPtr (void)
 Returns a pointer to the domain.
const DomaingetDomainPtr (void) const
 Returns a pointer to the domain.
ConstraintHandlergetConstraintHandlerPtr (void)
 Returns a pointer to the gestor de coacciones.
DOF_NumberergetDOF_NumbererPtr (void) const
 Returns a pointer to the DOF numberer.
AnalysisModelgetAnalysisModelPtr (void) const
 Returns a pointer to the analysis model.
LinearSOEgetLinearSOEPtr (void) const
 Returns a pointer to the linear system of equations.
EigenSOEgetEigenSOEPtr (void) const
 Returns a pointer to the system of equations de eigenvalues.
IntegratorgetIntegratorPtr (void)
 Returns, if possible, a pointer al integrator otherwise it returns nullptr.
const IntegratorgetIntegratorPtr (void) const
 Returns, if possible, a pointer al integrator otherwise it returns nullptr.
IncrementalIntegratorgetIncrementalIntegratorPtr (void)
 Returns, if possible, a pointer al integrator incremental otherwise it returns nullptr.
EigenIntegratorgetEigenIntegratorPtr (void)
 Returns, if possible, a pointer al EigenIntegrator otherwise it returns nullptr.
LinearBucklingIntegratorgetLinearBucklingIntegratorPtr (void)
 Returns, if possible, a pointer al LinearBucklingIntegrator otherwise it returns nullptr.
TransientIntegratorgetTransientIntegratorPtr (void)
 Returns, if possible, a pointer al EigenIntegrator otherwise it returns nullptr.
StaticIntegratorgetStaticIntegratorPtr (void)
 Returns, if possible, a pointer al StaticIntegrator otherwise it returns nullptr.
SolutionAlgorithmgetSolutionAlgorithmPtr (void)
EigenAlgorithmgetEigenSolutionAlgorithmPtr (void)
 Return a pointer to the eigenproblem solution algorithm (if it's not defined it returns nullptr).
EquiSolnAlgogetEquiSolutionAlgorithmPtr (void)
 Return a pointer to the linear SOE solution algorithm (if it's not defined it returns nullptr).
DomainDecompAlgogetDomainDecompSolutionAlgorithmPtr (void)
 Return a pointer to the domain decomposition solution algorithm (if it's not defined it returns nullptr).
virtual ConvergenceTestgetConvergenceTestPtr (void)
 Returns a pointer to the convergence test (only for suitable analysis).
virtual const ConvergenceTestgetConvergenceTestPtr (void) const
 Returns a pointer to the convergence test (only for suitable analysis).
virtual const DomainSolvergetDomainSolver (void) const
 Returns a pointer to the DomainSolver.
virtual DomainSolvergetDomainSolver (void)
 Returns a pointer to the DomainSolver.
virtual const SubdomaingetSubdomain (void) const
 Returns a pointer to the subdomain.
virtual SubdomaingetSubdomain (void)
 Returns a pointer to the subdomain.
virtual int domainChanged (void)=0
virtual void clearAll (void)
 Deletes all members (Constraint handler, analysis model,...).
virtual int setNumberer (DOF_Numberer &theNumberer)
 Sets the renumerador to use in the analysis.
virtual int setLinearSOE (LinearSOE &theSOE)
 Sets the linear system of equations to use in the analysis.
virtual int setEigenSOE (EigenSOE &theSOE)
 Sets the sistema de eigenvalues to use in the analysis.
virtual int setIntegrator (Integrator &theNewIntegrator)
 Sets the integrator to use in the analysis.
virtual int setAlgorithm (SolutionAlgorithm &theNewAlgorithm)
 Set the solution algorithm to be used in the analysis.
void brokeConstraintHandler (const CommParameters &, const ID &)
void brokeNumberer (const CommParameters &, const ID &)
void brokeAnalysisModel (const CommParameters &, const ID &)
void brokeDDLinearSOE (const CommParameters &, const ID &)
void brokeLinearSOE (const CommParameters &, const ID &)
void brokeIncrementalIntegrator (const CommParameters &, const ID &)
void brokeStaticIntegrator (const CommParameters &, const ID &)
void brokeTransientIntegrator (const CommParameters &, const ID &)
void brokeDomainDecompAlgo (const CommParameters &, const ID &)
void brokeEquiSolnAlgo (const CommParameters &, const ID &)
int getAnalysisResult (void) const

Protected Member Functions

 TransientAnalysis (SoluMethod *)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XC::Analysis
int newStepDomain (AnalysisModel *theModel, const double &dT=0.0)
ProcSolugetProcSolu (void)
const ProcSolugetProcSolu (void) const
 Analysis (SoluMethod *metodo)
virtual AnalysisgetCopy (void) const =0

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from XC::Analysis
int analysis_result
 Equal to zero if success.
 Solution method.

Detailed Description

Analysis of the time-dependent response of the model.

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