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XC Open source finite element analysis program
Fiber section model in a bi-dimensional space. Sections stiffness and internal forces are obtained by addition of the fibers contribution. More...
#include <FiberSection2d.h>
Public Member Functions | |
FiberSection2d (MaterialLoader *mat_ldr=nullptr) | |
FiberSection2d (int tag, MaterialLoader *mat_ldr=nullptr) | |
Constructor. | |
FiberSection2d (int tag, const contenedor_fibras &fibers, MaterialLoader *mat_ldr=nullptr) | |
int | setInitialSectionDeformation (const Vector &deforms) |
Sets values for initial strains. | |
int | setTrialSectionDeformation (const Vector &deforms) |
Sets values for trial strains. | |
virtual double | getStrain (const double &y, const double &z=0) const |
Returns the strains in the position being passed as parameter. | |
virtual void | setupFibers (void) |
const Matrix & | getInitialTangent (void) const |
Return the initial tangent stiffness matrix. | |
int | revertToLastCommit (void) |
Returns the section to its last commited state. | |
int | revertToStart (void) |
Returns the section to its initial state. | |
SectionForceDeformation * | getCopy (void) const |
Virtual constructor. | |
const ResponseId & | getType (void) const |
int | getOrder (void) const |
int | sendSelf (CommParameters &) |
int | recvSelf (const CommParameters &) |
void | Print (std::ostream &s, int flag=0) |
Imprime el objeto. | |
int | getResponse (int responseID, Information &info) |
Returns section response. | |
Fiber * | addFiber (Fiber &theFiber) |
Adds a fiber to the section. | |
Fiber * | addFiber (int tag, const MaterialLoader &, const std::string &nmbMat, const double &, const Vector &position) |
Adds a fiber to the section. | |
int | setParameter (const std::vector< std::string > &argv, Parameter ¶m) |
int | updateParameter (int parameterID, Information &info) |
int | activateParameter (int parameterID) |
const Vector & | getStressResultantSensitivity (int gradNumber, bool conditional) |
const Vector & | getSectionDeformationSensitivity (int gradNumber) |
const Matrix & | getSectionTangentSensitivity (int gradNumber) |
int | commitSensitivity (const Vector §ionDeformationGradient, int gradNumber, int numGrads) |
virtual double | getCdgZ (void) const |
Returns the coordenada «z» del centro de gravedad of the cross-section. | |
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FiberSectionBase (int classTag, int dim, MaterialLoader *mat_ldr=nullptr) | |
FiberSectionBase (int tag, int classTag, int dim, MaterialLoader *mat_ldr=nullptr) | |
Constructor. | |
FiberSectionBase (int tag, int classTag, int numFibers, int dim, MaterialLoader *mat_ldr=nullptr) | |
Constructor. | |
FiberSectionBase (const FiberSectionBase &otro) | |
Copy constructor. | |
FiberSectionBase & | operator= (const FiberSectionBase &otro) |
Assignment operator. | |
~FiberSectionBase (void) | |
Destructor: | |
size_t | getNumFibers (void) const |
StoFibras & | getFibers (void) |
Fiber * | addFiber (const std::string &nmbMat, const double &area, const Vector &coo) |
Add a fiber to the section. | |
int | setInitialSectionDeformation (const Vector &deforms) |
Sets generalized initial strains values. | |
int | setTrialSectionDeformation (const Vector &deforms) |
Sets generalized trial strains values. | |
void | zeroInitialSectionDeformation (void) |
const Vector & | getInitialSectionDeformation (void) const |
const Vector & | getSectionDeformation (void) const |
Returns material's trial generalized strain. | |
FiberSectionRepr * | getFiberSectionRepr (void) |
Returns fiber section representation. | |
GeomSection * | getGeomSection (void) |
Returns a pointer to section geometry. | |
const GeomSection * | getGeomSection (void) const |
Returns a const pointer to section geometry. | |
Poligono2d | getRegionsContour (void) const |
Returns cross section contour. | |
double | getCantoMecanicoZonaComprimida (const Recta2d &) const |
Returns section depth from the line being passed as parameter to the most compressed fiber. | |
double | getCantoMecanicoZonaComprimida (void) const |
Returns section depth from the neutral axis to the most compressed fiber. | |
double | getCantoMecanicoZonaTraccionada (const Recta2d &) const |
Returns section depth from the line being passed as parameter to the most tensioned fiber. | |
double | getCantoMecanicoZonaTraccionada (void) const |
Returns section depth from the neutral axis to the most tensioned fiber. | |
double | getCantoMecanico (void) const |
Returns current section lever arm from the position of neutral axis. | |
double | getNeutralAxisDepth (void) const |
Returns neutral axis depth. | |
double | getDistFibraNeutra (const double &y, const double &z) const |
Returns the distance from the neutral axis to the point whose coordinates are being passed as parameters. | |
Vector | getVectorBrazoMecanico (void) const |
Returns a vector from the centroid of tensions to the centroid of compressions. | |
Vector | getVectorCantoUtil (void) const |
Returns a vector oriented from the centroid of the area in tension to the most compressed fiber. | |
Segmento2d | getSegmentoBrazoMecanico (void) const |
Returns a segment from the centroid of the tensioned area to the centroid of the compressed area. | |
Segmento2d | getSegmentoCantoUtil (void) const |
Returns the segment defined by the current effective depth of the section. The segment is oriented from the centroid of the tensioned fibers to the most compressed fiber. | |
double | getBrazoMecanico (void) const |
Returns the lever arm of the section. | |
double | getCantoUtil (void) const |
Returns the effective depth of the section. | |
Recta2d | getTrazaPlanoFlexion (void) const |
Returns the intercept of the bending plane with the plane that contains the cross section. | |
Recta2d | getTrazaPlanoTraccion (void) const |
Returns the intercept of a plane perpendicular to the bending plane through the centroid of the tensioned fibers with the plane that contains the cross section. | |
Recta2d | getTrazaPlanoCompresion (void) const |
Returns the intercept of a plane perpendicular to the bending plane through the centroid of the compressed fibers with the plane that contains the cross section. | |
double | getAnchoMecanico (void) const |
Returns the width of the section for shear checking see (figure 44.2.1.a in article 44 of EHE-08). | |
double | getAnchoBielaComprimida (void) const |
Returns the ancho de la biela comprimida (en cortante). | |
double | getRecubrimiento (const Pos2d &) const |
Returns the concrete cover for the position being passed as parameter. | |
Recta2d | getRectaLimiteAcEficaz (const double &) const |
Returns the line that limits the concrete efficient area $A_{c,ef}$ as in article 49.2.4 from EHE-08 (hatched area in figure 49.2.4b). See also figures 47.5 y 47.6 from volume II of the book: "Proyecto y cálculo de estructuras de hormigón" author: J. Calavera. | |
double | getAcEficazBruta (const double &) const |
double | getAcEficazNeta (const double &, const std::string &, const double &factor=15) const |
Returns the sum of the efficient areas of rebars in tension. | |
double | calcAcEficazFibras (const double &hEfMax, const std::string &, const double &factor=15) const |
Computes crack effcient areas around the fibers. | |
std::list< Poligono2d > | getContourAcEficazBruta (const double &) const |
Returns the contours of the concrete efficient area $A_{c,ef}$ as in article 49.2.4 from EHE-08 (hatched area in figure 49.2.4b). See also figures 47.5 y 47.6 from volume II of the book: "Proyecto y cálculo de estructuras de hormigón" author: J. Calavera. | |
void | calcRecubrimientos (const std::string &) const |
Computes concrete cover of the fibers. | |
void | calcSeparaciones (const std::string &) const |
Computes spacing of the fibers. | |
int | updateCDG (void) |
double | getHomogenizedI (const double &E0) const |
Moment of inertia relative to bending axis. | |
double | getSPosHomogeneizada (const double &E0) const |
Static moment relative to bending axis of area that rests over this axis. | |
const Vector & | getStressResultant (void) const |
Returns the resultant of section stresses. | |
double | getStressResultant (const int &) const |
Returns i-th component of the stress resultant. | |
const Matrix & | getSectionTangent (void) const |
Returns the tangent stiffness matrix. | |
int | commitState (void) |
Commits state. | |
int | revertToLastCommit (void) |
Returns to the last commited state. | |
int | revertToStart (void) |
Returns to the initial state. | |
std::string | getStrClaseEsfuerzo (const double &tol=1e-4) const |
FiberSets & | getFiberSets (void) |
fiber_set_iterator | sel_mat_tag (const std::string &nmb_set, const int &matTag) |
Creates a fiber set which material has the tag being passed as parameter. | |
fiber_set_iterator | resel_mat_tag (const std::string &nmb_set, const std::string &nmb_set_org, const int &matTag) |
Creates a fiber set with those that belongs to the set with the name nmb_set_org, and have the material indetified with the tag being passed as parameter. More... | |
virtual double | getCdgY (void) const |
Returns the coordenada «y» del centro de gravedad of the cross-section. | |
double | getArea (void) const |
Returns the section area. | |
InteractionDiagram | GetInteractionDiagram (const InteractionDiagramData &) |
Returns the interaction diagram. | |
InteractionDiagram2d | GetInteractionDiagramForPlane (const InteractionDiagramData &, const double &) |
Returns the interaction diagram. | |
InteractionDiagram2d | GetNMyInteractionDiagram (const InteractionDiagramData &) |
Returns the interaction diagram on plane N-My. | |
InteractionDiagram2d | GetNMzInteractionDiagram (const InteractionDiagramData &) |
Returns the interaction diagram on plane N-Mz. | |
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SeccionBarraPrismatica (int tag, int classTag, MaterialLoader *mat_ldr=nullptr) | |
Constructor. | |
SeccionBarraPrismatica (const SeccionBarraPrismatica &otro) | |
Copy constructor. | |
SeccionBarraPrismatica & | operator= (const SeccionBarraPrismatica &otro) |
Assignment operator. | |
int | setTrialDeformationPlane (const DeformationPlane &) |
Sets the deformation plane of the section. | |
int | setInitialDeformationPlane (const DeformationPlane &) |
Sets the plano de initial strains of the section. | |
virtual const Vector & | getGeneralizedStrainVector (const DeformationPlane &) const |
Returns the generalized strains vector que corresponde al deformation plane being passed as parameter. | |
DeformationPlane | getDeformationPlane (void) const |
Returns the generalized strains vector of the cross-section. | |
DeformationPlane | getInitialDeformationPlane (void) const |
Returns initial strain plane. | |
double | getN (void) const |
Returns internal axial force. | |
double | getMy (void) const |
Returns internal bending moment around y axis. | |
double | getMz (void) const |
Returns internal bending moment around z axis. | |
Pos2d | getCdg (void) const |
Returns the position of the cross-section centroid. | |
Recta2d | getFibraNeutra (void) const |
Returns the neutral axis. | |
Recta2d | getEjeEsfuerzos (void) const |
Returns the axis that is aligned with the cross-section internal forces. | |
Pos2d | getPuntoSemiplanoTracciones (void) const |
Returns (if possible) a point in the tensioned region. | |
Pos2d | getPuntoSemiplanoCompresiones (void) const |
Returns (if possible) a point in the compressed region. | |
Semiplano2d | getSemiplanoTracciones (void) const |
Returns the tensioned half-plane. | |
Semiplano2d | getSemiplanoTracciones (const Recta2d &) const |
Returns the tensioned half-plane defined by the edge being passed as parameter. | |
Semiplano2d | getSemiplanoCompresiones (void) const |
Returns the compressed half-plane. | |
Semiplano2d | getSemiplanoCompresiones (const Recta2d &) const |
Returns the compressed half-plane defined by the edge being passed as parameter. | |
const double & | EA (void) const |
Returns the section axial stiffness. | |
const double & | EIz (void) const |
Returns the bending stiffness of the cross-section en torno al eje z. | |
const double & | EIy (void) const |
Returns the bending stiffness of the cross-section en torno al eje y. | |
const double & | EIyz (void) const |
Returns the producto de inercia multiplicado por el Young's modulus. | |
double | getTheta (void) const |
Returns the ángulo que define un eje principal de inercia. | |
double | getEI1 (void) const |
Returns the bending stiffness en torno al eje de inercia principal mayor. | |
double | getEI2 (void) const |
Returns the bending stiffness en torno al eje de inercia principal menor. | |
PrincipalAxesOfInertia2D | getEjesInercia (void) const |
Returns the ejes principales de inercia of the cross-section. | |
Vector2d | getVDirEje1 (void) const |
Returns the vector del eje principal I. | |
Vector2d | getVDirStrongAxis (void) const |
Returns the vector del eje principal I. | |
Vector2d | getVDirEje2 (void) const |
Returns the vector del eje principal II. | |
Vector2d | getVDirWeakAxis (void) const |
Returns the vector del eje principal II. | |
bool | hayAxil (const double &tol=1e-4) const |
Returns true if the section is subjected to an axial force. | |
bool | hayCortante (const double &tol=1e-4) const |
Returns true if the section is subjected to a shearing force. | |
bool | hayMomento (const double &tol=1e-4) const |
Returns true if the section is subjected to a bending moment. | |
bool | hayTorsor (const double &tol=1e-4) const |
Returns true if the section is subjected to a torsional force. | |
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SectionForceDeformation (int tag, int classTag, MaterialLoader *mat_ldr=nullptr) | |
Constructor. | |
SectionForceDeformation (const SectionForceDeformation &otro) | |
Copy constructor. | |
SectionForceDeformation & | operator= (const SectionForceDeformation &otro) |
Assignment operator. | |
MaterialLoader * | getMaterialLoader (void) |
virtual int | addInitialSectionDeformation (const Vector &) |
Adds to the generalized strains vector inicial el being passed as parameter. | |
void | setInitialGeneralizedStrain (const Vector &iS) |
const Vector & | getInitialGeneralizedStrain (void) const |
double | getSectionDeformation (const int &) const |
Returns 'defID' component of the generalized strain vector. | |
double | getSectionDeformationByName (const std::string &) const |
Returns section's trial deformation component by its name. | |
double | getStressResultant (const int &) const |
Returns 'defID' component of the generalized stress vector. | |
double | getStressResultantByName (const std::string &) const |
Returns the esfuerzos de la placa. | |
virtual const Matrix & | getSectionFlexibility (void) const |
Returns the tangent flexibility matrix of the section. | |
virtual const Matrix & | getInitialFlexibility (void) const |
Returns the initial flexibility matrix of the section. | |
const Vector & | getGeneralizedStress (void) const |
virtual const Vector & | getGeneralizedStrain (void) const |
virtual double | getRho (void) const |
Returns the densidad (masa por unidad de longitud/area/volumen) of the section. | |
std::string | getTypeString (void) const |
Comma separated internal forces names to with the section contributes with stiffness. | |
virtual Response * | setResponse (const std::vector< std::string > &argv, Information &info) |
Returns the respuesta of the section. | |
virtual double | getRhoSensitivity (int gradNumber) |
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Material (int tag, int classTag) | |
Constructor. | |
const MaterialLoader * | GetMaterialLoader (void) const |
Returns (if possible) a pointer to the material handler (owner). | |
MaterialLoader * | GetMaterialLoader (void) |
Returs a pointer to the material handler (if possible). | |
std::string | getName (void) const |
Returns the name of the material. | |
virtual int | setVariable (const std::string &argv) |
virtual int | getVariable (int variableID, double &info) |
virtual void | update (void) |
Update state variables for the material according to the new values of the parameters. | |
virtual void | addInitialGeneralizedStrain (const Vector &) |
Increments generalized strain. More... | |
virtual void | zeroInitialGeneralizedStrain (void) |
zeroes initial generalized strain | |
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TaggedObject (int tag, EntCmd *owr=nullptr) | |
Constructor. | |
void | assignTag (int newTag) |
Establece el valor del tag. | |
int | getTag (void) const |
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MovableObject (int classTag, int dbTag) | |
Constructor. | |
MovableObject (int classTag) | |
Constructor. | |
MovableObject (const MovableObject &otro) | |
Copy constructor. | |
MovableObject & | operator= (const MovableObject &otro) |
Operacdor asignación. | |
int | getClassTag (void) const |
Returns the tag de la clase. | |
int | getDbTag (void) const |
Returns the tag para la database. | |
int | getDbTag (CommParameters &) |
Returns the tag para la database. | |
void | setDbTag (int dbTag) |
Asigna el tag para la database. | |
void | setDbTag (CommParameters &) |
Asigna, sólo si es preciso, el tag para la database. | |
virtual int | setVariable (const std::string &variable, Information &) |
Returns the identificador de la variable cuyo nombre being passed as parameter. | |
virtual int | getVariable (const std::string &variable, Information &) |
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DistributedBase (void) | |
Constructor. | |
virtual DbTagData & | getDbTagData (void) const |
Returns a vector to store class dbTags. | |
const int & | getDbTagDataPos (const int &i) const |
Returns the data at the i-th position. | |
void | setDbTagDataPos (const int &i, const int &v) |
Sets the data at the i-th position. | |
void | inicComm (const int &dataSize) const |
Initializes communication. | |
Friends | |
class | DqFibras |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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typedef FiberSets::iterator | fiber_set_iterator |
typedef FiberSets::const_iterator | fiber_set_const_iterator |
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void | setup_repres (void) |
Section representation. More... | |
void | alloc_fibers (int numFibras, const Fiber *muestra=nullptr) |
void | create_fiber_set (const std::string &nombre) |
Creare a new fiber set. | |
fiber_set_iterator | get_fiber_set (const std::string &nmb_set) |
Creates a fiber set which name is being passed as parameter. | |
virtual double | get_dist_to_neutral_axis (const double &, const double &) const |
Returns the signed distance from the neutral axis to the point whose coordinates are being passed as parameters. | |
Pos3d | Esf2Pos3d (void) const |
Returns the point (N,My,Mz) that corresponds to the resultant of normal stresses in the section. | |
Pos3d | getNMyMz (const DeformationPlane &) |
Returns the section normal stresses resultant for the deformation plane being passed as parameter. | |
void | getInteractionDiagramPointsForTheta (NMyMzPointCloud &lista_esfuerzos, const InteractionDiagramData &, const DqFibras &, const DqFibras &, const double &) |
Returns the points that define the interaction diagram of the section for an angle $$ with respect to the z axis. | |
const NMyMzPointCloud & | getInteractionDiagramPoints (const InteractionDiagramData &) |
Returns the points that define the interaction diagram of the section. | |
const NMPointCloud & | getInteractionDiagramPointsForPlane (const InteractionDiagramData &, const double &) |
Returns the points that define the interaction diagram on the plane defined by the $$ angle being passed as parameter. | |
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int | sendData (CommParameters &cp) |
Send object members through the channel defined in cp. | |
int | recvData (const CommParameters &cp) |
Receives object members through the channel defined in cp. | |
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void | setTag (int newTag) |
Establece el valor del tag. | |
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KRSeccion | kr |
Stiffness and internal forces resultant on the section. | |
StoFibras | fibras |
Pointers to fibers container. | |
int | tag_fibra |
Tag for next fiber. | |
FiberSets | sets_fibras |
Fibers sets. | |
FiberSectionRepr * | section_repres |
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Matrix * | fDefault |
Default flexibility matrix. | |
MaterialLoader * | material_loader |
Material definition handler (search,...). | |
Fiber section model in a bi-dimensional space. Sections stiffness and internal forces are obtained by addition of the fibers contribution.