XC Open source finite element analysis program
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LinearCrdTransf2d provides the abstraction of a linear transformation for a spatial frame between the global and basic coordinate systems. More...

#include <LinearCrdTransf2d.h>

Inheritance diagram for XC::LinearCrdTransf2d:
XC::SmallDispCrdTransf2d XC::CrdTransf2d XC::CrdTransf XC::TaggedObject XC::MovableObject XC::DistributedBase

Public Member Functions

 LinearCrdTransf2d (int tag)
 LinearCrdTransf2d (int tag, const Vector &rigJntOffsetI, const Vector &rigJntOffsetJ)
int update (void)
int commitState (void)
int revertToLastCommit (void)
int revertToStart (void)
const VectorgetBasicDisplSensitivity (int gradNumber)
const VectorgetGlobalResistingForceShapeSensitivity (const Vector &basicForce, const Vector &p0)
const VectorgetBasicTrialDispShapeSensitivity (void)
const VectorgetGlobalResistingForce (const Vector &basicForce, const Vector &p0) const
const MatrixgetGlobalStiffMatrix (const Matrix &basicStiff, const Vector &basicForce) const
const MatrixgetInitialGlobalStiffMatrix (const Matrix &basicStiff) const
CrdTransf2dgetCopy (void) const
 Virtual constructor.
void Print (std::ostream &s, int flag=0)
 Imprime el objeto.
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::SmallDispCrdTransf2d
 SmallDispCrdTransf2d (int tag, int classTag)
 Default constructor.
const VectorgetPointGlobalCoordFromLocal (const Vector &) const
 Returns the coordenadas globales del punto a partir de las locales.
const VectorgetPointGlobalDisplFromBasic (double xi, const Vector &) const
 Returns the vector desplazamiento expresado en coordenadas globales.
int sendSelf (CommParameters &)
 Envia el objeto through the channel being passed as parameter.
int recvSelf (const CommParameters &)
 Receives object through the channel being passed as parameter.
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::CrdTransf2d
 CrdTransf2d (int tag, int classTag)
int initialize (Node *node1Pointer, Node *node2Pointer)
 Calculates initial displecements from those of the nodes.
double getInitialLength (void) const
 Return the longitud inicial of the element.
double getDeformedLength (void) const
 Return the longitud of the element deformado.
const VectorgetBasicTrialDisp (void) const
 Returns the desplazamientos expresados en el sistema básico.
const VectorgetBasicIncrDisp (void) const
 Returns the incrementos de desplazamiento expresados en el sistema básico.
const VectorgetBasicIncrDeltaDisp (void) const
const VectorgetBasicTrialVel (void) const
const VectorgetBasicTrialAccel (void) const
const VectorgetInitialI (void) const
 Returns the ${i}$ unit vector of the local axis expressed in global coordinates for the initial (undeformed) geometry.
const VectorgetI (void) const
 Returns the ${i}$ unit vector of the local axis expressed in global coordinates for the current geometry.
const VectorgetInitialJ (void) const
 Returns the ${j}$ unit vector of the local axis expressed in global coordinates for the initial (undeformed) geometry.
const VectorgetJ (void) const
 Returns the ${j}$ unit vector of the local axis expressed in global coordinates for the current geometry.
int getInitialLocalAxes (Vector &xAxis, Vector &yAxis) const
 axis for the initial (undeformed) geometry.
int getLocalAxes (Vector &xAxis, Vector &yAxis) const
 current position.
Matrix getLocalAxes (bool) const
 Returs a matrix with the axes of the element as matrix rows [[x1,y1,z1],[x2,y2,z2],...·].
Pos2d getPosNodeI (void) const
 Return the position of the node I.
Pos2d getPosNodeJ (void) const
 Return the position of the node J.
Ref2d2d getLocalReference (void) const
 Returns the local reference system.
Vector getPointLocalCoordFromGlobal (const Vector &xg) const
 Returns the local coordinates del punto a partir de las globales.
const VectorgetPointGlobalCoordFromBasic (const double &xi) const
 Returns the punto expresado en global coordinates.
const MatrixgetPointsGlobalCoordFromBasic (const Vector &) const
 Returns the puntos expresados en global coordinates.
const VectorgetVectorGlobalCoordFromLocal (const Vector &localCoords) const
 Returns the vector expresado en global coordinates.
const MatrixgetVectorGlobalCoordFromLocal (const Matrix &localCoords) const
 Returns the vectores expresados en global coordinates.
const VectorgetVectorLocalCoordFromGlobal (const Vector &globalCoords) const
 Returns the vector expresado en local coordinates.
const MatrixgetCooNodos (void) const
 Returns the coordinates of the nodes.
const MatrixgetCooPuntos (const size_t &ndiv) const
 Returns puntos distribuidos entre los nodos extremos.
const VectorgetCooPunto (const double &xrel) const
 Returns the punto correspondiente a la coordenada 0<=xrel<=1.
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::CrdTransf
 CrdTransf (int tag, int classTag, int dim_joint_offset)
virtual ~CrdTransf (void)
 Destructor virtual.
const TransfCooLoaderGetTransfCooLoader (void) const
 Returns (if possible) a pointer to the coordinate transformation handler (owner).
TransfCooLoaderGetTransfCooLoader (void)
 Returs a pointer to the coordinate transformation handler (if possible).
std::string getName (void) const
 Returns the name of the material.
double getLength (bool initialGeometry=true) const
double getPointBasicCoordFromGlobal (const Vector &globalCoords) const
const MatrixgetPointsGlobalCoordFromLocal (const Matrix &localCoords) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::TaggedObject
 TaggedObject (int tag, EntCmd *owr=nullptr)
void assignTag (int newTag)
 Establece el valor del tag.
int getTag (void) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::MovableObject
 MovableObject (int classTag, int dbTag)
 MovableObject (int classTag)
 MovableObject (const MovableObject &otro)
 Copy constructor.
MovableObjectoperator= (const MovableObject &otro)
 Operacdor asignación.
int getClassTag (void) const
 Returns the tag de la clase.
int getDbTag (void) const
 Returns the tag para la database.
int getDbTag (CommParameters &)
 Returns the tag para la database.
void setDbTag (int dbTag)
 Asigna el tag para la database.
void setDbTag (CommParameters &)
 Asigna, sólo si es preciso, el tag para la database.
virtual int setParameter (const std::vector< std::string > &argv, Parameter &param)
virtual int updateParameter (int parameterID, Information &info)
virtual int activateParameter (int parameterID)
virtual int setVariable (const std::string &variable, Information &)
 Returns the identificador de la variable cuyo nombre being passed as parameter.
virtual int getVariable (const std::string &variable, Information &)
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::DistributedBase
 DistributedBase (void)
const int & getDbTagDataPos (const int &i) const
 Returns the data at the i-th position.
void setDbTagDataPos (const int &i, const int &v)
 Sets the data at the i-th position.
void inicComm (const int &dataSize) const
 Initializes communication.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from XC::SmallDispCrdTransf2d
Vectorbasic_to_local_resisting_force (const XC::Vector &pb, const XC::Vector &p0) const
 Transform resisting forces from the basic system to local coordinates.
const Vectorlocal_to_global_resisting_force (const Vector &pl) const
 Transform resisting forces from local to global coordinates.
DbTagDatagetDbTagData (void) const
 Returns a vector para almacenar los dbTags de los miembros de la clase.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XC::CrdTransf2d
void set_rigid_joint_offsetI (const Vector &rigJntOffsetI)
 direction cosines of undeformed element wrt to global system More...
void set_rigid_joint_offsetJ (const Vector &rigJntOffsetJ)
 check rigid joint offset for node J
double T02 (void) const
double T12 (void) const
double T35 (void) const
double T45 (void) const
void nodes_init_disp (void)
 Checks for initial displacements on nodes and, if they exist,.
int computeElemtLengthAndOrient (void) const
 Computes the length and the orientation of the associated element.
int sendData (CommParameters &cp)
 Sends object members through the channel being passed as parameter.
int recvData (const CommParameters &cp)
 Receives object members through the channel being passed as parameter.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XC::CrdTransf
int set_node_ptrs (Node *nodeIPointer, Node *nodeJPointer)
 Asigna los pointers to node dorsal y frontal.
int sendData (CommParameters &cp)
 Sends object members through the channel being passed as parameter.
int recvData (const CommParameters &cp)
 Receives object members through the channel being passed as parameter.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XC::TaggedObject
void setTag (int newTag)
 Establece el valor del tag.
- Protected Attributes inherited from XC::CrdTransf2d
double cosTheta
double sinTheta
- Protected Attributes inherited from XC::CrdTransf
 pointers to los nodos extremos of the element.
double L
 element length
Vector nodeIOffset
Vector nodeJOffset
 rigid joint offsets
std::vector< double > nodeIInitialDisp
 Initial displacement for I node.
std::vector< double > nodeJInitialDisp
 Initial displacement for J node.
bool initialDispChecked

Detailed Description

LinearCrdTransf2d provides the abstraction of a linear transformation for a spatial frame between the global and basic coordinate systems.

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