XC Open source finite element analysis program
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Region of a section that creates quadrilateral cells. More...

#include <RgQuadCell.h>

Inheritance diagram for XC::RgQuadCell:
XC::RegionSecc XC::DiscretBase XC::RgSccCirc XC::RgSccPoligono XC::RgSccQuad

Public Member Functions

 RgQuadCell (Material *)
 RgQuadCell (Material *, int numSubdivIJ, int numSubdivJK)
 RgQuadCell (const RgQuadCell &otro)
 Copy constructor.
RgQuadCelloperator= (const RgQuadCell &otro)
 Assignment operator.
void setDiscretization (int numSubdivIJ, int numSubdivJK)
 Sets the number of divisions on each direction.
void setNDivIJ (const int &n)
int getNDivIJ (void) const
void setNDivJK (const int &n)
int getNDivJK (void) const
const int & nDivCirc (void) const
int & nDivCirc (void)
const int & nDivRad (void) const
int & nDivRad (void)
int getNumCells (void) const
 Returns the número de celdas.
void getDiscretization (int &numSubdivIJ, int &numSubdivJK) const
 Returns the number of divisions on each direction.
virtual const Rejilla2d & getMesh (void) const =0
Vector getCdgRejilla (void) const
 Returns the centro de gravedad de la rejilla.
Vector getVertCoords (const size_t &, const size_t &) const
 Returns the coordenadas of the punto i,j.
Matrix getCellVertCoords (const size_t &, const size_t &) const
 Returns the coordinates of the vertices of the (i,j) cell.
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::RegionSecc
 RegionSecc (Material *)
virtual const VectorCellsgetCells (void) const =0
 Returns the contenedor de celdas.
virtual RegionSeccgetCopy (void) const =0
 Returns a copy of the region.
virtual Poligono2d getPoligono (void) const
RgSccPoligono Interseccion (const Semiplano2d &sp) const
const VectorCdg (void) const
 Returns the coordenadas of the centro de gravedad.
double Longitud (void) const
 Returns the region contour lenght.
double Area (void) const
 Returns the region area.
double Iy (void) const
 Returns the moment of inertia with respect to the axis paralelo al y por el centroid.
double Iz (void) const
 Returns the moment of inertia with respect to the axis paralelo al z por el centroid.
double Pyz (void) const
 Returns the producto de inercia respecto a los ejes paralelos por el centroid.
double Ix (void) const
 Returns the moment of inertia polar with respect to centroid en ejes locales.
double Theta_p (void) const
 Returns the ángulo que define un principal axis of inertia.
const VectorDirEjeI_a (void) const
 Return the direction of a principal axis of inertia (we don't know yet if it's the major one or the minor one).
const VectorDirEjeI_b (void) const
 Return the direction of the other (with respect to DirEjeI_a) principal axis of inertia (we don't know yet if it's the major one or the minor one).
double getI1 (void) const
 Returns the principal major axis of inertia.
double getI2 (void) const
 Returns the principal minor axis of inertia.
double getI (const unsigned short int &i, const unsigned short int &j) const
 Return the i,j component of the tensor of inertia computed with respect to centroid.
double getI (const unsigned short int i, const unsigned short int j, const Pos2d &o) const
 Return the i,j component of the tensor of inertia computed with respecto to the point "o".
double getI (const Pos2d &O, const Vector &e) const
 Returns the moment of inertia with respect to the axis that passes through O with the direction of e.
double getIO (const Pos2d &o)
 Returns the momento polar de inercia with respect to the point o.
MatrixgetI (void) const
 Returns the tensor of inertia computed with respect to the object centroid.
MatrixgetI (const Pos2d &o) const
 Returns the tensor of inertia respector al punto o.
virtual void Print (std::ostream &s, int flag=0) const =0
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::DiscretBase
 DiscretBase (Material *mat)
virtual double getMaxY (void) const =0
virtual double getMaxZ (void) const =0
virtual double getMinY (void) const =0
virtual double getMinZ (void) const =0
void setMaterialPtr (Material *mat)
MaterialgetMaterialPtr (void) const

Protected Member Functions

void libera (void) const
const Rejilla2d & alloc (const Rejilla2d &) const

Protected Attributes

int nDivIJ
int nDivJK
 number of divisions.
- Protected Attributes inherited from XC::RegionSecc
VectorCells cells

Detailed Description

Region of a section that creates quadrilateral cells.

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