XC Open source finite element analysis program
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Base class for cross sections with linear elastic material on a bi-dimensional problem (3 DOFs on each section). More...

#include <BaseElasticSection2d.h>

Inheritance diagram for XC::BaseElasticSection2d:
XC::BaseElasticSection XC::SeccionBarraPrismatica XC::SectionForceDeformation XC::Material XC::TaggedObject XC::MovableObject XC::DistributedBase XC::ElasticSection2d XC::ElasticShearSection2d

Public Member Functions

 BaseElasticSection2d (int tag, int classTag, const size_t &dim, const double &E, const double &A, const double &I, double G, const double &alpha)
 BaseElasticSection2d (int tag, int classTag, const size_t &dim, MaterialLoader *mat_ldr=nullptr)
 BaseElasticSection2d (int classTag, const size_t &dim)
const CrossSectionProperties2dgetCrossSectionProperties (void) const
 Returns the mechanical properties of the section.
void setCrossSectionProperties (const CrossSectionProperties2d &)
void sectionGeometry (const std::string &)
double getStrain (const double &y, const double &z=0) const
 brief Returns strain at position being passed as parameter.
void Print (std::ostream &s, int flag=0) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::BaseElasticSection
 BaseElasticSection (int tag, int classTag, const size_t &dim, MaterialLoader *mat_ldr=nullptr)
int commitState (void)
int revertToLastCommit (void)
int revertToStart (void)
int setInitialSectionDeformation (const Vector &)
int setTrialSectionDeformation (const Vector &)
void zeroInitialSectionDeformation (void)
const VectorgetInitialSectionDeformation (void) const
const VectorgetSectionDeformation (void) const
 Returns material's trial deformation.
void Print (std::ostream &s, int flag=0) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::SeccionBarraPrismatica
 SeccionBarraPrismatica (int tag, int classTag, MaterialLoader *mat_ldr=nullptr)
 SeccionBarraPrismatica (const SeccionBarraPrismatica &otro)
 Copy constructor.
SeccionBarraPrismaticaoperator= (const SeccionBarraPrismatica &otro)
 Assignment operator.
int setTrialDeformationPlane (const DeformationPlane &)
 Sets the deformation plane of the section.
int setInitialDeformationPlane (const DeformationPlane &)
 Sets the plano de initial strains of the section.
virtual const VectorgetGeneralizedStrainVector (const DeformationPlane &) const
 Returns the generalized strains vector que corresponde al deformation plane being passed as parameter.
DeformationPlane getDeformationPlane (void) const
 Returns the generalized strains vector of the cross-section.
DeformationPlane getInitialDeformationPlane (void) const
 Returns initial strain plane.
double getN (void) const
 Returns internal axial force.
double getMy (void) const
 Returns internal bending moment around y axis.
double getMz (void) const
 Returns internal bending moment around z axis.
virtual double getCdgY (void) const
 Returns the coordenada «y» del centro de gravedad of the cross-section.
virtual double getCdgZ (void) const
 Returns the coordenada «z» del centro de gravedad of the cross-section.
Pos2d getCdg (void) const
 Returns the position of the cross-section centroid.
Recta2d getFibraNeutra (void) const
 Returns the neutral axis.
Recta2d getEjeEsfuerzos (void) const
 Returns the axis that is aligned with the cross-section internal forces.
Pos2d getPuntoSemiplanoTracciones (void) const
 Returns (if possible) a point in the tensioned region.
Pos2d getPuntoSemiplanoCompresiones (void) const
 Returns (if possible) a point in the compressed region.
Semiplano2d getSemiplanoTracciones (void) const
 Returns the tensioned half-plane.
Semiplano2d getSemiplanoTracciones (const Recta2d &) const
 Returns the tensioned half-plane defined by the edge being passed as parameter.
Semiplano2d getSemiplanoCompresiones (void) const
 Returns the compressed half-plane.
Semiplano2d getSemiplanoCompresiones (const Recta2d &) const
 Returns the compressed half-plane defined by the edge being passed as parameter.
const double & EA (void) const
 Returns the section axial stiffness.
const double & EIz (void) const
 Returns the bending stiffness of the cross-section en torno al eje z.
const double & EIy (void) const
 Returns the bending stiffness of the cross-section en torno al eje y.
const double & EIyz (void) const
 Returns the producto de inercia multiplicado por el Young's modulus.
double getTheta (void) const
 Returns the ángulo que define un eje principal de inercia.
double getEI1 (void) const
 Returns the bending stiffness en torno al eje de inercia principal mayor.
double getEI2 (void) const
 Returns the bending stiffness en torno al eje de inercia principal menor.
PrincipalAxesOfInertia2D getEjesInercia (void) const
 Returns the ejes principales de inercia of the cross-section.
Vector2d getVDirEje1 (void) const
 Returns the vector del eje principal I.
Vector2d getVDirStrongAxis (void) const
 Returns the vector del eje principal I.
Vector2d getVDirEje2 (void) const
 Returns the vector del eje principal II.
Vector2d getVDirWeakAxis (void) const
 Returns the vector del eje principal II.
bool hayAxil (const double &tol=1e-4) const
 Returns true if the section is subjected to an axial force.
bool hayCortante (const double &tol=1e-4) const
 Returns true if the section is subjected to a shearing force.
bool hayMomento (const double &tol=1e-4) const
 Returns true if the section is subjected to a bending moment.
bool hayTorsor (const double &tol=1e-4) const
 Returns true if the section is subjected to a torsional force.
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::SectionForceDeformation
 SectionForceDeformation (int tag, int classTag, MaterialLoader *mat_ldr=nullptr)
 SectionForceDeformation (const SectionForceDeformation &otro)
 Copy constructor.
SectionForceDeformationoperator= (const SectionForceDeformation &otro)
 Assignment operator.
MaterialLoadergetMaterialLoader (void)
virtual int addInitialSectionDeformation (const Vector &)
 Adds to the generalized strains vector inicial el being passed as parameter.
void setInitialGeneralizedStrain (const Vector &iS)
const VectorgetInitialGeneralizedStrain (void) const
double getSectionDeformation (const int &) const
 Returns 'defID' component of the generalized strain vector.
double getSectionDeformationByName (const std::string &) const
 Returns section's trial deformation component by its name.
virtual const VectorgetStressResultant (void) const =0
double getStressResultant (const int &) const
 Returns 'defID' component of the generalized stress vector.
double getStressResultantByName (const std::string &) const
 Returns the esfuerzos de la placa.
virtual const MatrixgetSectionTangent (void) const =0
virtual const MatrixgetInitialTangent (void) const =0
virtual const MatrixgetSectionFlexibility (void) const
 Returns the tangent flexibility matrix of the section.
virtual const MatrixgetInitialFlexibility (void) const
 Returns the initial flexibility matrix of the section.
const VectorgetGeneralizedStress (void) const
virtual const VectorgetGeneralizedStrain (void) const
virtual double getRho (void) const
 Returns the densidad (masa por unidad de longitud/area/volumen) of the section.
virtual SectionForceDeformationgetCopy (void) const =0
 Virtual constructor.
virtual const ResponseIdgetType (void) const =0
std::string getTypeString (void) const
 Comma separated internal forces names to with the section contributes with stiffness.
virtual int getOrder (void) const =0
virtual ResponsesetResponse (const std::vector< std::string > &argv, Information &info)
 Returns the respuesta of the section.
virtual int getResponse (int responseID, Information &info)
 Returns section response.
virtual int setParameter (const std::vector< std::string > &argv, Parameter &param)
virtual int updateParameter (int parameterID, Information &info)
virtual int activateParameter (int parameterID)
virtual const VectorgetStressResultantSensitivity (int gradNumber, bool conditional)
virtual const VectorgetSectionDeformationSensitivity (int gradNumber)
virtual const MatrixgetSectionTangentSensitivity (int gradNumber)
virtual double getRhoSensitivity (int gradNumber)
virtual int commitSensitivity (const Vector &sectionDeformationGradient, int gradNumber, int numGrads)
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::Material
 Material (int tag, int classTag)
const MaterialLoaderGetMaterialLoader (void) const
 Returns (if possible) a pointer to the material handler (owner).
MaterialLoaderGetMaterialLoader (void)
 Returs a pointer to the material handler (if possible).
std::string getName (void) const
 Returns the name of the material.
virtual int setVariable (const std::string &argv)
virtual int getVariable (int variableID, double &info)
virtual void update (void)
 Update state variables for the material according to the new values of the parameters.
virtual void addInitialGeneralizedStrain (const Vector &)
 Increments generalized strain. More...
virtual void zeroInitialGeneralizedStrain (void)
 zeroes initial generalized strain
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::TaggedObject
 TaggedObject (int tag, EntCmd *owr=nullptr)
void assignTag (int newTag)
 Establece el valor del tag.
int getTag (void) const
virtual void Print (std::ostream &s, int flag=0)
 Imprime el objeto.
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::MovableObject
 MovableObject (int classTag, int dbTag)
 MovableObject (int classTag)
 MovableObject (const MovableObject &otro)
 Copy constructor.
MovableObjectoperator= (const MovableObject &otro)
 Operacdor asignación.
int getClassTag (void) const
 Returns the tag de la clase.
int getDbTag (void) const
 Returns the tag para la database.
int getDbTag (CommParameters &)
 Returns the tag para la database.
void setDbTag (int dbTag)
 Asigna el tag para la database.
void setDbTag (CommParameters &)
 Asigna, sólo si es preciso, el tag para la database.
virtual int sendSelf (CommParameters &)=0
virtual int recvSelf (const CommParameters &)=0
virtual int setVariable (const std::string &variable, Information &)
 Returns the identificador de la variable cuyo nombre being passed as parameter.
virtual int getVariable (const std::string &variable, Information &)
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::DistributedBase
 DistributedBase (void)
virtual DbTagDatagetDbTagData (void) const
 Returns a vector to store class dbTags.
const int & getDbTagDataPos (const int &i) const
 Returns the data at the i-th position.
void setDbTagDataPos (const int &i, const int &v)
 Sets the data at the i-th position.
void inicComm (const int &dataSize) const
 Initializes communication.

Protected Member Functions

int sendData (CommParameters &)
 Send object members through the channel being passed as parameter.
int recvData (const CommParameters &)
 Receives object members through the channel being passed as parameter.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XC::BaseElasticSection
int sendData (CommParameters &)
 Send object members through the channel being passed as parameter.
int recvData (const CommParameters &)
 Receives object members through the channel being passed as parameter.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XC::SectionForceDeformation
int sendData (CommParameters &cp)
 Send object members through the channel defined in cp.
int recvData (const CommParameters &cp)
 Receives object members through the channel defined in cp.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XC::TaggedObject
void setTag (int newTag)
 Establece el valor del tag.

Protected Attributes

CrossSectionProperties2d ctes_scc
 Mechanical properties of the section.
- Protected Attributes inherited from XC::BaseElasticSection
Vector eTrial
 section trial deformations
Vector eInic
 section initial deformations
Vector eCommit
 section commited deformations
- Protected Attributes inherited from XC::SectionForceDeformation
 Default flexibility matrix.
 Material definition handler (search,...).

Detailed Description

Base class for cross sections with linear elastic material on a bi-dimensional problem (3 DOFs on each section).

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: