XC Open source finite element analysis program
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perform a dynamic analysis on the FE_Model using a direct integration scheme. More...

#include <VariableTimeStepDirectIntegrationAnalysis.h>

Inheritance diagram for XC::VariableTimeStepDirectIntegrationAnalysis:
XC::DirectIntegrationAnalysis XC::TransientAnalysis XC::Analysis

Public Member Functions

int analyze (int numSteps, double dT, double dtMin, double dtMax, int Jd)
 Performs the analysis.
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::DirectIntegrationAnalysis
virtual ~DirectIntegrationAnalysis (void)
void clearAll (void)
 Clears all object members (constraint handler, analysis model,...).
int analyze (int numSteps, double dT)
 Performs the analysis.
int initialize (void)
int domainChanged (void)
 Ejecuta los cambios que implica un cambio en el domain del problema.
int setNumberer (DOF_Numberer &theNumberer)
 Sets the renumerador to use in the analysis.
int setAlgorithm (EquiSolnAlgo &theAlgorithm)
 Sets the solutio algorithm to use in the analysis.
int setIntegrator (TransientIntegrator &theIntegrator)
 Sets the integrator to use in the analysis.
int setLinearSOE (LinearSOE &theSOE)
 Sets the linear system of equations to use in the analysis.
int setConvergenceTest (ConvergenceTest &theTest)
 Sets the convergence test to use in the analysis.
int checkDomainChange (void)
 Comprueba si el domain ha cambiado.
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::Analysis
SoluMethodgetSoluMethodPtr (void)
DomaingetDomainPtr (void)
 Returns a pointer to the domain.
const DomaingetDomainPtr (void) const
 Returns a pointer to the domain.
ConstraintHandlergetConstraintHandlerPtr (void)
 Returns a pointer to the gestor de coacciones.
DOF_NumberergetDOF_NumbererPtr (void) const
 Returns a pointer to the DOF numberer.
AnalysisModelgetAnalysisModelPtr (void) const
 Returns a pointer to the analysis model.
LinearSOEgetLinearSOEPtr (void) const
 Returns a pointer to the linear system of equations.
EigenSOEgetEigenSOEPtr (void) const
 Returns a pointer to the system of equations de eigenvalues.
IntegratorgetIntegratorPtr (void)
 Returns, if possible, a pointer al integrator otherwise it returns nullptr.
const IntegratorgetIntegratorPtr (void) const
 Returns, if possible, a pointer al integrator otherwise it returns nullptr.
IncrementalIntegratorgetIncrementalIntegratorPtr (void)
 Returns, if possible, a pointer al integrator incremental otherwise it returns nullptr.
EigenIntegratorgetEigenIntegratorPtr (void)
 Returns, if possible, a pointer al EigenIntegrator otherwise it returns nullptr.
LinearBucklingIntegratorgetLinearBucklingIntegratorPtr (void)
 Returns, if possible, a pointer al LinearBucklingIntegrator otherwise it returns nullptr.
TransientIntegratorgetTransientIntegratorPtr (void)
 Returns, if possible, a pointer al EigenIntegrator otherwise it returns nullptr.
StaticIntegratorgetStaticIntegratorPtr (void)
 Returns, if possible, a pointer al StaticIntegrator otherwise it returns nullptr.
SolutionAlgorithmgetSolutionAlgorithmPtr (void)
EigenAlgorithmgetEigenSolutionAlgorithmPtr (void)
 Return a pointer to the eigenproblem solution algorithm (if it's not defined it returns nullptr).
EquiSolnAlgogetEquiSolutionAlgorithmPtr (void)
 Return a pointer to the linear SOE solution algorithm (if it's not defined it returns nullptr).
DomainDecompAlgogetDomainDecompSolutionAlgorithmPtr (void)
 Return a pointer to the domain decomposition solution algorithm (if it's not defined it returns nullptr).
virtual ConvergenceTestgetConvergenceTestPtr (void)
 Returns a pointer to the convergence test (only for suitable analysis).
virtual const ConvergenceTestgetConvergenceTestPtr (void) const
 Returns a pointer to the convergence test (only for suitable analysis).
virtual const DomainSolvergetDomainSolver (void) const
 Returns a pointer to the DomainSolver.
virtual DomainSolvergetDomainSolver (void)
 Returns a pointer to the DomainSolver.
virtual const SubdomaingetSubdomain (void) const
 Returns a pointer to the subdomain.
virtual SubdomaingetSubdomain (void)
 Returns a pointer to the subdomain.
virtual int setEigenSOE (EigenSOE &theSOE)
 Sets the sistema de eigenvalues to use in the analysis.
virtual int setIntegrator (Integrator &theNewIntegrator)
 Sets the integrator to use in the analysis.
virtual int setAlgorithm (SolutionAlgorithm &theNewAlgorithm)
 Set the solution algorithm to be used in the analysis.
void brokeConstraintHandler (const CommParameters &, const ID &)
void brokeNumberer (const CommParameters &, const ID &)
void brokeAnalysisModel (const CommParameters &, const ID &)
void brokeDDLinearSOE (const CommParameters &, const ID &)
void brokeLinearSOE (const CommParameters &, const ID &)
void brokeIncrementalIntegrator (const CommParameters &, const ID &)
void brokeStaticIntegrator (const CommParameters &, const ID &)
void brokeTransientIntegrator (const CommParameters &, const ID &)
void brokeDomainDecompAlgo (const CommParameters &, const ID &)
void brokeEquiSolnAlgo (const CommParameters &, const ID &)
int getAnalysisResult (void) const

Protected Member Functions

virtual double determineDt (double dT, double dtMin, double dtMax, int Jd, ConvergenceTest *theTest)
 VariableTimeStepDirectIntegrationAnalysis (SoluMethod *metodo)
AnalysisgetCopy (void) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XC::DirectIntegrationAnalysis
 DirectIntegrationAnalysis (SoluMethod *metodo)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XC::TransientAnalysis
 TransientAnalysis (SoluMethod *)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XC::Analysis
int newStepDomain (AnalysisModel *theModel, const double &dT=0.0)
ProcSolugetProcSolu (void)
const ProcSolugetProcSolu (void) const
 Analysis (SoluMethod *metodo)


class ProcSolu

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from XC::Analysis
int analysis_result
 Equal to zero if success.
 Solution method.

Detailed Description

perform a dynamic analysis on the FE_Model using a direct integration scheme.

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