XC Open source finite element analysis program
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Linea system of equations. This is the class definition for LinearSOE. LinearSOE is an abstract base class and thus no objects of it's type can be instantiated. It has pure virtual functions which must be implemented in it's derived classes. LinearSystemOfEqn is an abstraction of the linear system of equation given by : [A]{X} = {B} - {C}, where A is a matrix and B,C and X are vectors. To solve the equation means given A, B and C to find the unknown X such that the equation is satisfied. More...

#include <LinearSOE.h>

Inheritance diagram for XC::LinearSOE:
XC::SystemOfEqn XC::MovableObject XC::DistributedBase XC::LinearSOEData XC::ShadowPetscSOE XC::FactoredSOEBase XC::ItpackLinSOE XC::BandGenLinSOE XC::BandSPDLinSOE XC::DiagonalSOE XC::DistributedDiagonalSOE XC::FullGenLinSOE XC::PetscSOE XC::ProfileSPDLinSOE XC::SparseSOEBase XC::UmfpackGenLinSOE

Public Member Functions

virtual ~LinearSOE (void)
virtual int solve (void)
 Resuelve el system of equations.
virtual int setSize (Graph &theGraph)=0
virtual int getNumEqn (void) const =0
virtual int addA (const Matrix &, const ID &, double fact=1.0)=0
virtual int addB (const Vector &, const ID &, const double &fact=1.0)=0
virtual int setB (const Vector &, const double &fact=1.0)=0
virtual void zeroA (void)=0
virtual void zeroB (void)=0
virtual const VectorgetX (void) const =0
virtual const VectorgetB (void) const =0
virtual double getDeterminant (void)
 Returns the determinante de la matriz del sistema.
virtual double normRHS (void) const =0
virtual void setX (int loc, double value)=0
virtual void setX (const Vector &X)=0
LinearSOESolvergetSolver (void)
 Returns a pointer to the solver.
LinearSOESolvernewSolver (const std::string &)
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::SystemOfEqn
int checkSize (Graph &theGraph) const
 Check number of DOFs in the graph.
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::MovableObject
 MovableObject (int classTag, int dbTag)
 MovableObject (int classTag)
 MovableObject (const MovableObject &otro)
 Copy constructor.
MovableObjectoperator= (const MovableObject &otro)
 Operacdor asignación.
int getClassTag (void) const
 Returns the tag de la clase.
int getDbTag (void) const
 Returns the tag para la database.
int getDbTag (CommParameters &)
 Returns the tag para la database.
void setDbTag (int dbTag)
 Asigna el tag para la database.
void setDbTag (CommParameters &)
 Asigna, sólo si es preciso, el tag para la database.
virtual int sendSelf (CommParameters &)=0
virtual int recvSelf (const CommParameters &)=0
virtual int setParameter (const std::vector< std::string > &argv, Parameter &param)
virtual int updateParameter (int parameterID, Information &info)
virtual int activateParameter (int parameterID)
virtual int setVariable (const std::string &variable, Information &)
 Returns the identificador de la variable cuyo nombre being passed as parameter.
virtual int getVariable (const std::string &variable, Information &)
- Public Member Functions inherited from XC::DistributedBase
 DistributedBase (void)
virtual DbTagDatagetDbTagData (void) const
 Returns a vector to store class dbTags.
const int & getDbTagDataPos (const int &i) const
 Returns the data at the i-th position.
void setDbTagDataPos (const int &i, const int &v)
 Sets the data at the i-th position.
void inicComm (const int &dataSize) const
 Initializes communication.

Protected Member Functions

void libera (void)
void copia (const LinearSOESolver *)
virtual bool setSolver (LinearSOESolver *)
 Sets the solver al system of equations.
int setSolverSize (void)
 invoke setSize() on the Solver
 LinearSOE (SoluMethod *, int classTag)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XC::SystemOfEqn
virtual AnalysisModelgetAnalysisModelPtr (void)
 Returns a pointer to the analysis model.
virtual const AnalysisModelgetAnalysisModelPtr (void) const
 Returns a const pointer to the analysis model.
 SystemOfEqn (SoluMethod *, int classTag)
virtual SystemOfEqngetCopy (void) const =0


class FEM_ObjectBroker

Detailed Description

Linea system of equations. This is the class definition for LinearSOE. LinearSOE is an abstract base class and thus no objects of it's type can be instantiated. It has pure virtual functions which must be implemented in it's derived classes. LinearSystemOfEqn is an abstraction of the linear system of equation given by : [A]{X} = {B} - {C}, where A is a matrix and B,C and X are vectors. To solve the equation means given A, B and C to find the unknown X such that the equation is satisfied.

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