XC Open source finite element analysis program
Modules | Classes


 Analysis algorithms.
 Analysis type (static, dynamic, eigenvalues, modal, ...).
 convergence test.
 Integration of physical
 Model as seen by the analysis.
 DOF groups as seen by the analysis.
 DOF numbering.


class  XC::ConstraintHandler
 ConstraintHandlers enforce the single and multi freedom constraints that exist in the domain by creating the appropriate FE_Element and DOF_Group objects. More...
class  XC::ModelWrapper
 Wrapper for the finite element model "seen" from the solver. The model wrapper is definied by: More...
class  XC::UnbalAndTangent
 Vector de fuerza desequilibrada y tangent stiffness matrix. More...
class  XC::UnbalAndTangentStorage
 Vector de fuerza desequilibrada y tangent stiffness matrix. More...

Detailed Description