XC software
XC is a Free Open Source Finite Element program, aimed directly at civil structural engineering. The program can solve various types of problems, from simple linear analysis to complex nonlinear simulations. It has a library of finite elements which can be used to modeling various geometries and multiple materials for use in various areas of structural analysis.
The purpose (mission) is to develop a robust structural analysis tool, which is owned by the community, and allows the users to improve and adapt it for their own needs. It's all about developing tools that allow us to keep going forward (much in the sense of designing for strength, economy and beauty) instead of repeating the same old solutions but in a faster way.
How?... allowing to merge the code with other software libraries: machine learning, neural networks, 3D modeling, material libraries, computation fluid dynamics,...
The program is based on Python ( script language), Opensees (analysis kernel), CGAL (computational geometry), VTK and matplotlib (for the graphics stuff) and LaTeX for text output.