The Hour of Code is a global movement reaching tens of millions of students in 180+ countries. Anyone, anywhere can organize an Hour of Code event. One-hour tutorials are available in over 30 languages.
DECEMBERI've uploaded XC sources to the web page. Maybe some of you want help me to test compilation and installing of the packages. Source files are in C++, Python and Fortran and I use CMake to build libraries.
You can download them here:
XC filesIt has been a long time since we started to develop the Python interface for XC. Now, a year and a half later ,we are only a "verification test" away from the target. We have exposed to python about 750 C++ classes and translated to Python 366 verification test. Now there is only a test to translate to complete this part of the work. After that, we could publish the source code, begin with translation into English of the documentation, to start writing articles about XC capabilities,... We are only a little tiny piece of code away of all that. Tip: How to delete this post.
NOVEMBERteaching young designers computer code will have profound consequences claims Technology Will Save Us, whose DIY Gamer Kit was acquired by MoMA last week.:
NOVEMBERIn march 2013 we started to expose XC's C++ classes to Python. This way Python becomes the scripting language for XC and makes possible to use all kind of Python tools (VTK, numPy, FreeCAD,...) in our analysis tasks.