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XC Open source finite element analysis program
This is the complete list of members for XC::ShellMITC4, including all inherited members.
activateParameter(int parameterID) (defined in XC::Element) | XC::Element | virtual |
add_to_sets(std::set< SetBase * > &) | XC::Element | |
addInertiaLoadSensitivityToUnbalance(const Vector &accel, bool tag) (defined in XC::Element) | XC::Element | virtual |
addInertiaLoadToUnbalance(const Vector &accel) (defined in XC::ShellMITC4Base) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | virtual |
addLoad(ElementalLoad *theLoad, double loadFactor) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | virtual |
addResistingForceToNodalReaction(bool inclInertia) | XC::Element | virtual |
alive(void) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | virtual |
alloc(const ShellCrdTransf3dBase *) (defined in XC::ShellMITC4Base) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protected |
areasTributarias (defined in XC::ElemPlano< 4, SectionFDPhysicalProperties >) | XC::ElemPlano< 4, SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | mutableprotected |
assembleB(const Matrix &Bmembrane, const Matrix &Bbend, const Matrix &Bshear) const | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protected |
assignTag(int newTag) | XC::TaggedObject | |
BData | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protectedstatic |
calculaAreasTributarias(bool initialGeometry=true) const | XC::ElemPlano< 4, SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | virtual |
calculaLongsTributarias(bool initialGeometry=true) const | XC::Element | virtual |
calculateG(void) const | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protected |
calculaVolsTributarios(bool initialGeometry=true) const | XC::Element | virtual |
capturaInicDisp(void) (defined in XC::ShellMITC4Base) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protected |
cast_material(const Material *ptr_mat) | XC::ElementBase< NNODOS > | protected |
checkElem(void) | XC::ElemPlano< 4, SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | |
commitSensitivity(int gradNumber, int numGrads) (defined in XC::Element) | XC::Element | virtual |
commitState(void) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | virtual |
computeBasis(void) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | |
computeBbend(int node, const double shp[3][4]) const | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protected |
computeBdrill(int node, const double shp[3][4]) const | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protected |
computeBmembrane(int node, const double shp[3][4]) const | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protected |
ContinuaReprComponent(int classTag) (defined in XC::ContinuaReprComponent) | XC::ContinuaReprComponent | |
ContinuaReprComponent(int tag, int classTag) (defined in XC::ContinuaReprComponent) | XC::ContinuaReprComponent | |
cose(const SetEstruct &f1, const SetEstruct &f2) const (defined in XC::Element) | XC::Element | protectedvirtual |
damping (defined in XC::ShellMITC4Base) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protectedstatic |
dead_srf | XC::Element | static |
DistributedBase(void) | XC::DistributedBase | |
DomainComponent(int tag, int classTag) | XC::DomainComponent | protected |
Element(int tag, int classTag) | XC::Element | |
ElementBase(int tag, int classTag) | XC::ElementBase< NNODOS > | |
ElementBase(const ElementBase &otro) | XC::ElementBase< NNODOS > | |
ElemPlano(int tag, int classTag, const SectionFDPhysicalProperties &) | XC::ElemPlano< 4, SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | |
ElemWithMaterial(int tag, int classTag) (defined in XC::ElemWithMaterial< NNODOS, SectionFDPhysicalProperties >) | XC::ElemWithMaterial< NNODOS, SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | |
ElemWithMaterial(int tag, int classTag, const SectionFDPhysicalProperties &) (defined in XC::ElemWithMaterial< NNODOS, SectionFDPhysicalProperties >) | XC::ElemWithMaterial< NNODOS, SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | |
formInertiaTerms(int tangFlag) const | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protected |
formResidAndTangent(int tang_flag) const | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protected |
get_sets(void) const | XC::Element | |
getArea(bool initialGeometry=true) const | XC::ElemPlano< 4, SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | |
getAreaTributaria(const Node *) const | XC::ElemPlano< 4, SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | virtual |
getAreaTributariaByTag(const int &) const | XC::Element | virtual |
getClassTag(void) const | XC::MovableObject | |
getCooCdg(bool initialGeometry=true) const | XC::Element | |
getCooNodos(void) const | XC::Element | |
getCoordTransf(void) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | virtual |
getCoordTransf(void) const | XC::ShellMITC4Base | virtual |
getCopy(void) const | XC::ShellMITC4 | virtual |
getDamp(void) const | XC::Element | virtual |
getDampSensitivity(int gradNumber) (defined in XC::Element) | XC::Element | virtual |
getDbTag(void) const | XC::MovableObject | |
getDbTag(CommParameters &) | XC::MovableObject | |
getDbTagData(void) const | XC::ShellMITC4 | protectedvirtual |
getDbTagDataPos(const int &i) const | XC::DistributedBase | |
getDefaultTag(void) | XC::Element | static |
getDimension(void) const | XC::ElemPlano< 4, SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | virtual |
getDist(const Pos2d &p, bool initialGeometry=true) const | XC::ElemPlano< 4, SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | virtual |
getDist(const Pos3d &p, bool initialGeometry=true) const | XC::ElemPlano< 4, SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | virtual |
getDist2(const Pos2d &p, bool initialGeometry=true) const | XC::ElemPlano< 4, SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | virtual |
getDist2(const Pos3d &p, bool initialGeometry=true) const | XC::ElemPlano< 4, SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | virtual |
getDomain(void) const | XC::DomainComponent | virtual |
getEdgeNodes(const Node *, const Node *) const | XC::QuadBase4N< SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | virtual |
ElemPlano< 4, SectionFDPhysicalProperties >::getEdgeNodes(const int &, const int &) const | XC::Element | |
getEdgesNode(const Node *) const | XC::Element | virtual |
getEdgesNodeByTag(const int &) const | XC::Element | |
getEdgesNodes(const NodePtrSet &) const | XC::Element | |
getEquivalentStaticLoad(int mode, const double &) const | XC::Element | |
getEquivalentStaticNodalLoads(int mode, const double &) const | XC::Element | |
getGaussModel(void) const | XC::ShellMITC4Base | virtual |
getIdx(void) const | XC::DomainComponent | inline |
getIdxNodes(void) const (defined in XC::Element) | XC::Element | |
getInitialStiff(void) const | XC::ShellMITC4Base | virtual |
getInitialStiffSensitivity(int gradNumber) (defined in XC::Element) | XC::Element | virtual |
getInterpolatedDisplacements(const ParticlePos3d &) const | XC::ShellMITC4Base | |
getInterpolatedDisplacements(const Pos3d &) const | XC::ShellMITC4Base | |
getInterpolationFactors(const ParticlePos3d &) const | XC::ShellMITC4Base | virtual |
getInterpolationFactors(const Pos3d &) const | XC::ShellMITC4Base | virtual |
getLado(const size_t &i, bool initialGeometry=true) const | XC::ElemPlano< 4, SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | virtual |
getLocalAxes(bool initialGeometry=true) const | XC::ShellMITC4Base | virtual |
getLocalCoordinatesOfNode(const int &) const (defined in XC::ShellMITC4Base) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | |
getLocalIndexNodesEdge(const size_t &i) const | XC::QuadBase4N< SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | virtual |
getLongTributaria(const Node *) const | XC::Element | virtual |
getLongTributariaByTag(const int &) const | XC::Element | virtual |
getMass(void) const | XC::ShellMITC4Base | virtual |
getMassSensitivity(int gradNumber) (defined in XC::Element) | XC::Element | virtual |
getMeanInternalDeformation(const std::string &) const (defined in XC::ShellMITC4Base) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | |
getMeanInternalForce(const std::string &) const (defined in XC::ShellMITC4Base) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | |
getMEDCellType(void) const | XC::QuadBase4N< SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | virtual |
getMEDGaussModel(void) const | XC::Element | |
getNaturalCoordinates(const Pos3d &) const (defined in XC::ShellMITC4Base) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | |
getNodePtrs(void) | XC::ElementBase< NNODOS > | virtual |
getNodePtrs(void) const | XC::ElementBase< NNODOS > | virtual |
getNodeResistingComponents(const size_t &, const Vector &) const | XC::Element | |
getNodeResistingForce(const size_t &iNod) const | XC::Element | |
getNodeResistingForce(const Node *) const | XC::Element | |
getNodeResistingForceIncInertia(const size_t &iNod) const | XC::Element | |
getNodeResistingForceIncInertia(const Node *) const | XC::Element | |
getNodesEdge(const size_t &i) const | XC::QuadBase4N< SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | virtual |
getNumDOF(void) const | XC::ShellMITC4Base | virtual |
getNumEdges(void) const | XC::Element | virtual |
getNumExternalNodes(void) const | XC::ElementBase< NNODOS > | virtual |
getPerimetro(bool initialGeometry=true) const | XC::ElemPlano< 4, SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | |
getPhysicalProperties(void) (defined in XC::ElemWithMaterial< NNODOS, SectionFDPhysicalProperties >) | XC::ElemWithMaterial< NNODOS, SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | inline |
getPhysicalProperties(void) const (defined in XC::ElemWithMaterial< NNODOS, SectionFDPhysicalProperties >) | XC::ElemWithMaterial< NNODOS, SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | inline |
getPoligono(bool initialGeometry=true) const | XC::ElemPlano< 4, SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | virtual |
getPosCdg(bool initialGeometry=true) const | XC::ElemPlano< 4, SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | virtual |
getPosNodo(const size_t &i, bool initialGeometry=true) const | XC::Element | |
getPosNodos(bool initialGeometry=true) const | XC::Element | |
GetPreprocessor(void) const | XC::DomainComponent | |
GetPreprocessor(void) | XC::DomainComponent | |
getPuntos(const size_t &ni, const size_t &nj, const size_t &nk, bool initialGeometry=true) | XC::Element | |
getRayleighDampingForces(void) const | XC::Element | protected |
getResistingForce(void) const | XC::ShellMITC4Base | virtual |
getResistingForceIncInertia(void) const | XC::ShellMITC4Base | virtual |
getResistingForceSensitivity(int gradNumber) (defined in XC::Element) | XC::Element | virtual |
getResponse(int responseID, Information &eleInformation) (defined in XC::Element) | XC::Element | virtual |
getTag(void) const (defined in XC::TaggedObject) | XC::TaggedObject | inline |
getTangentStiff(void) const | XC::ShellMITC4Base | virtual |
getVariable(const std::string &variable, Information &) (defined in XC::MovableObject) | XC::MovableObject | virtual |
getVolTributario(const Node *) const | XC::Element | virtual |
getVolTributarioByTag(const int &) const | XC::Element | virtual |
getVtkCellType(void) const | XC::QuadBase4N< SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | virtual |
index | XC::MeshComponent | mutableprotected |
inicComm(const int &dataSize) const | XC::DistributedBase | |
inicDisp | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protected |
isAlive(void) const (defined in XC::ContinuaReprComponent) | XC::ContinuaReprComponent | inlinevirtual |
isDead(void) const (defined in XC::ContinuaReprComponent) | XC::ContinuaReprComponent | inlinevirtual |
isSubdomain(void) (defined in XC::Element) | XC::Element | virtual |
Kc | XC::Element | mutableprotected |
Ki (defined in XC::ShellMITC4Base) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | mutableprotected |
kill(void) (defined in XC::ContinuaReprComponent) | XC::ContinuaReprComponent | inlinevirtual |
Ktt | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protected |
labels | XC::MeshComponent | protected |
libera(void) (defined in XC::ShellMITC4Base) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protected |
load | XC::Element | protected |
mass (defined in XC::ShellMITC4Base) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protectedstatic |
MaxCooNod(int i) const | XC::Element | |
MeshComponent(int classTag) | XC::MeshComponent | |
MeshComponent(int tag, int classTag) | XC::MeshComponent | |
MinCooNod(int i) const | XC::Element | |
MovableObject(int classTag, int dbTag) | XC::MovableObject | |
MovableObject(int classTag) | XC::MovableObject | |
MovableObject(const MovableObject &otro) | XC::MovableObject | |
NodesEdge typedef | XC::Element | |
numNodos(void) | XC::ElementBase< NNODOS > | inlinestatic |
operator=(const ShellMITC4Base &otro) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | |
QuadBase4N< SectionFDPhysicalProperties >::operator=(const ElementBase &otro) | XC::ElementBase< NNODOS > | |
XC::Element::operator=(const MovableObject &otro) | XC::MovableObject | |
p0 | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protected |
physicalProperties | XC::ElemWithMaterial< NNODOS, SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | protected |
Print(std::ostream &s, int flag) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | virtual |
put_on_mesh(const TritrizPtrNod &, meshing_dir dm) const | XC::QuadBase4N< SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | protectedvirtual |
QuadBase4N(int classTag, const SectionFDPhysicalProperties &pp) | XC::QuadBase4N< SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | |
QuadBase4N(int tag, int classTag, const SectionFDPhysicalProperties &) | XC::QuadBase4N< SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | |
QuadBase4N(int tag, int classTag, int node1, int node2, int node3, int node4, const SectionFDPhysicalProperties &pp) | XC::QuadBase4N< SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | |
rayFactors | XC::Element | mutableprotected |
recvCoordTransf(int posFlag, const int &posClassTag, const int &posDbTag, const CommParameters &) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protected |
recvData(const CommParameters &) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protected |
recvIdsEtiquetas(int posDbTag, const CommParameters &) | XC::MeshComponent | protected |
recvSelf(const CommParameters &) | XC::ShellMITC4 | virtual |
resetTributarias(void) const | XC::Element | |
resid (defined in XC::ShellMITC4Base) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protectedstatic |
revertToLastCommit(void) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | virtual |
revertToStart(void) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | virtual |
sendCoordTransf(int posFlag, const int &, const int &, CommParameters &) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protected |
sendData(CommParameters &) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protected |
sendIdsEtiquetas(int posDbTag, CommParameters &) | XC::MeshComponent | protected |
sendSelf(CommParameters &) | XC::ShellMITC4 | virtual |
set_indice(const size_t &i) | XC::DomainComponent | |
setDbTag(int dbTag) | XC::MovableObject | |
setDbTag(CommParameters &) | XC::MovableObject | |
setDbTagDataPos(const int &i, const int &v) | XC::DistributedBase | |
setDeadSRF(const double &d) | XC::Element | inlinestatic |
setDomain(Domain *theDomain) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | virtual |
setIdNodos(const std::vector< int > &inodos) | XC::Element | virtual |
setIdNodos(const ID &inodos) | XC::Element | virtual |
setMaterialParameter(Material *, const std::vector< std::string > &, const size_t &, Parameter &) (defined in XC::Element) | XC::Element | |
setMaterialResponse(Material *, const std::vector< std::string > &, const size_t &, Information &) (defined in XC::Element) | XC::Element | |
setParameter(const std::vector< std::string > &argv, Parameter ¶m) (defined in XC::Element) | XC::Element | virtual |
setPhysicalProperties(const SectionFDPhysicalProperties &) (defined in XC::ElemWithMaterial< NNODOS, SectionFDPhysicalProperties >) | XC::ElemWithMaterial< NNODOS, SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | |
setRayleighDampingFactors(const RayleighDampingFactors &rF) const | XC::Element | virtual |
setResponse(const std::vector< std::string > &argv, Information &eleInformation) (defined in XC::Element) | XC::Element | virtual |
setTag(int newTag) | XC::TaggedObject | protected |
setup_matrices(std::deque< Matrix > &, const int &) const | XC::MeshComponent | protected |
setupInicDisp(void) (defined in XC::ShellMITC4Base) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protected |
setVariable(const std::string &variable, Information &) | XC::MovableObject | virtual |
shape2d(const double &, const double &, const double x[2][4], double shp[3][4], double &xsj) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protectedstatic |
ShellMITC4(void) | XC::ShellMITC4 | |
ShellMITC4(int tag, const SectionForceDeformation *ptr_mat) | XC::ShellMITC4 | |
ShellMITC4(int tag, int node1, int node2, int node3, int node4, const SectionForceDeformation &) | XC::ShellMITC4 | |
ShellMITC4Base(int classTag, const ShellCrdTransf3dBase *) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | |
ShellMITC4Base(int tag, int classTag, const SectionForceDeformation *ptr_mat, const ShellCrdTransf3dBase *) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | |
ShellMITC4Base(int tag, int classTag, int node1, int node2, int node3, int node4, const SectionFDPhysicalProperties &, const ShellCrdTransf3dBase *) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | |
ShellMITC4Base(const ShellMITC4Base &otro) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | |
stiff (defined in XC::ShellMITC4Base) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protectedstatic |
strainLoad(const Matrix &) (defined in XC::ShellMITC4Base) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | |
TaggedObject(int tag, EntCmd *owr=nullptr) | XC::TaggedObject | |
theCoordTransf | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protected |
theNodes | XC::ElementBase< NNODOS > | protected |
update(void) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | virtual |
updateParameter(int parameterID, Information &info) (defined in XC::Element) | XC::Element | virtual |
vector3dUniformLoadGlobal(const Vector &) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | |
vector3dUniformLoadLocal(const Vector &) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | |
vuelcaTributarias(const std::vector< double > &) const | XC::Element | |
xl | XC::ShellMITC4Base | mutableprotected |
zeroInicDisp(void) (defined in XC::ShellMITC4Base) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | protected |
zeroInitialGeneralizedStrains(void) (defined in XC::ElemWithMaterial< NNODOS, SectionFDPhysicalProperties >) | XC::ElemWithMaterial< NNODOS, SectionFDPhysicalProperties > | virtual |
zeroLoad(void) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | virtual |
~DomainComponent(void) | XC::DomainComponent | |
~ShellMITC4Base(void) | XC::ShellMITC4Base | |
~TaggedObject(void) (defined in XC::TaggedObject) | XC::TaggedObject | inlinevirtual |