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XC Open source finite element analysis program
This is the complete list of members for XC::Block, including all inherited members.
activateParameter(int parameterID) (defined in XC::MovableObject) | XC::MovableObject | virtual |
actualiza_topologia(void) | XC::Block | virtual |
add_caras(const std::vector< size_t > &) | XC::Block | protected |
add_elements(const TritrizPtrElem &) | XC::SetEstruct | protected |
add_to_sets(std::set< SetBase * > &) | XC::Body | |
Block(Preprocessor *m, const std::string &nombre="") | XC::Block | |
Bnd(void) const | XC::Body | virtual |
Body(Preprocessor *m, const std::string &nombre="") | XC::Body | |
BorraPtrNodElem(void) | XC::EntMdlr | |
BuscaEdge(const size_t &) | XC::EntMdlrBase | |
BuscaEdge(const size_t &) const | XC::EntMdlrBase | |
BuscaFace(const size_t &) | XC::EntMdlrBase | |
BuscaFace(const size_t &) const | XC::EntMdlrBase | |
buscaNodo(const int &tag) | XC::EntMdlr | |
buscaNodo(const int &tag) const | XC::EntMdlr | |
BuscaPnt(const size_t &) | XC::EntMdlrBase | |
BuscaPnt(const size_t &) const | XC::EntMdlrBase | |
calculaAreasTributarias(bool initialGeometry=true) const | XC::SetBase | |
calculaLongsTributarias(bool initialGeometry=true) const | XC::SetBase | |
calculaVolsTributarios(bool initialGeometry=true) const | XC::SetBase | |
check_preprocessor(void) const | XC::EntMdlrBase | protected |
checkNDivs(void) const | XC::Block | virtual |
clearAll(void) | XC::EntMdlr | protected |
create_elements(meshing_dir dm) | XC::EntMdlr | protected |
create_node(const Pos3d &pos, size_t i=1, size_t j=1, size_t k=1) | XC::EntMdlr | protected |
create_nodes(void) | XC::Block | |
XC::Body::create_nodes(const TritrizPos3d &) | XC::EntMdlr | protected |
create_nodes_caras(void) | XC::Block | protected |
create_point(const Pos3d &) | XC::EntMdlr | protected |
create_points(const MatrizPos3d &) | XC::EntMdlr | protected |
create_set_fila(const RangoTritriz &, const std::string &) | XC::EntMdlr | protected |
Dimension(void) const | XC::SetEstruct | |
DistanciaA(const Pos3d &pt) const | XC::EntMdlr | virtual |
DistanciaA2(const Pos3d &pt) const | XC::EntMdlr | virtual |
DistributedBase(void) | XC::DistributedBase | |
EntMdlr(Preprocessor *m, const size_t &i=0) | XC::EntMdlr | |
EntMdlr(const std::string &nombre="", const size_t &i=0, Preprocessor *m=nullptr) | XC::EntMdlr | |
EntMdlr(const EntMdlr &otro) | XC::EntMdlr | |
EntMdlrBase(const std::string &nmb="", Preprocessor *preprocessor=nullptr) | XC::EntMdlrBase | |
EntMdlrBase(const EntMdlrBase &otro) | XC::EntMdlrBase | |
EsCapaICte(void) const | XC::SetEstruct | |
EsCapaJCte(void) const | XC::SetEstruct | |
EsCapaKCte(void) const | XC::SetEstruct | |
EsFilaI(void) const | XC::SetEstruct | |
EsFilaJ(void) const | XC::SetEstruct | |
EsFilaK(void) const | XC::SetEstruct | |
findElement(const int &) | XC::EntMdlr | |
findElement(const int &) const | XC::EntMdlr | |
fix(const SFreedom_Constraint &) | XC::EntMdlr | virtual |
genMesh(meshing_dir dm) | XC::Block | virtual |
get_posiciones(void) const | XC::Block | protected |
get_preprocessor(void) const | XC::EntMdlrBase | protected |
get_preprocessor(void) | XC::EntMdlrBase | protected |
get_sets(void) const | XC::Body | virtual |
GetArista(const size_t &i) const | XC::Block | virtual |
getClassTag(void) const | XC::MovableObject | |
getCopy(void) const | XC::Block | virtual |
getDbTag(void) const | XC::MovableObject | |
getDbTag(CommParameters &) | XC::MovableObject | |
getDbTagData(void) const | XC::DistributedBase | virtual |
getDbTagDataPos(const int &i) const | XC::DistributedBase | |
GetDimension(void) const | XC::Body | inlinevirtual |
getElement(const size_t &i=1, const size_t &j=1, const size_t &k=1) | XC::EntMdlr | virtual |
getElement(const size_t &i=1, const size_t &j=1, const size_t &k=1) const | XC::EntMdlr | virtual |
getElementEdges(void) | XC::SetEstruct | |
getElementI(const size_t &i) (defined in XC::SetEstruct) | XC::SetEstruct | inline |
getElementIJ(const size_t &i, const size_t &j) (defined in XC::SetEstruct) | XC::SetEstruct | inline |
getElementIJK(const size_t &i, const size_t &j, const size_t &k) (defined in XC::SetEstruct) | XC::SetEstruct | inline |
getElements(void) (defined in XC::SetEstruct) | XC::SetEstruct | |
getElementTags(void) const | XC::SetEstruct | virtual |
GetFace(const size_t &i) | XC::Block | protectedvirtual |
GetFace(const size_t &i) const | XC::Block | virtual |
getGenMesh(void) const | XC::EntMdlr | |
getIdElementTags(void) const | XC::SetBase | |
getIdNodeTags(void) const | XC::SetBase | |
getIdx(void) const | XC::EntMdlr | inline |
getIndicesVertices(void) const | XC::Body | |
getMEDCellType(void) const | XC::Block | virtual |
getNearestElement(const Pos3d &p) | XC::EntMdlr | |
getNearestElement(const Pos3d &p) const | XC::EntMdlr | |
getNearestNode(const Pos3d &p) | XC::EntMdlr | |
getNearestNode(const Pos3d &p) const | XC::EntMdlr | |
getNodeI(const size_t &i) (defined in XC::SetEstruct) | XC::SetEstruct | |
getNodeIJ(const size_t &i, const size_t &j) (defined in XC::SetEstruct) | XC::SetEstruct | |
getNodeIJK(const size_t &i, const size_t &j, const size_t &k) (defined in XC::SetEstruct) | XC::SetEstruct | inline |
getNodeIndices(const Node *) const | XC::EntMdlr | |
getNodePtrSet(void) | XC::SetEstruct | protected |
getNodes(void) (defined in XC::SetEstruct) | XC::SetEstruct | |
getNodeTags(void) const | XC::SetEstruct | virtual |
GetNodo(const size_t &i=1, const size_t &j=1, const size_t &k=1) | XC::EntMdlr | virtual |
GetNodo(const size_t &i=1, const size_t &j=1, const size_t &k=1) const | XC::EntMdlr | virtual |
getNumberOfElements(void) const (defined in XC::SetEstruct) | XC::SetEstruct | virtual |
getNumberOfNodes(void) const (defined in XC::SetEstruct) | XC::SetEstruct | virtual |
getNumElementColumns(void) const (defined in XC::EntMdlr) | XC::EntMdlr | inlinevirtual |
getNumElementLayers(void) const (defined in XC::EntMdlr) | XC::EntMdlr | inlinevirtual |
getNumElementRows(void) const (defined in XC::EntMdlr) | XC::EntMdlr | inlinevirtual |
getNumNodeColumns(void) const (defined in XC::EntMdlr) | XC::EntMdlr | inlinevirtual |
getNumNodeLayers(void) const (defined in XC::EntMdlr) | XC::EntMdlr | inlinevirtual |
getNumNodeRows(void) const (defined in XC::EntMdlr) | XC::EntMdlr | inlinevirtual |
GetPreprocessor(void) const (defined in XC::EntMdlrBase) | XC::EntMdlrBase | inline |
GetPreprocessor(void) (defined in XC::EntMdlrBase) | XC::EntMdlrBase | inline |
getSimpsonWeights(const std::string &, const std::string &, const size_t &f=1, const size_t &c=1, const size_t &n=10) const | XC::EntMdlr | |
GetStrTipo(void) const | XC::SetEstruct | |
getSurfaces(void) | XC::Block | virtual |
GetTag(void) const | XC::EntMdlrBase | |
getTagsNodos(void) const | XC::EntMdlr | |
getTtzElements(void) (defined in XC::EntMdlr) | XC::EntMdlr | inline |
getTtzElements(void) const (defined in XC::EntMdlr) | XC::EntMdlr | inline |
getTtzNodes(void) (defined in XC::EntMdlr) | XC::EntMdlr | inline |
getTtzNodes(void) const (defined in XC::EntMdlr) | XC::EntMdlr | inline |
getVariable(const std::string &variable, Information &) (defined in XC::MovableObject) | XC::MovableObject | virtual |
GetVarRefFilaI(size_t f=1, size_t c=1, const std::string &nmb="tmp") (defined in XC::EntMdlr) | XC::EntMdlr | |
GetVarRefFilaI(const RangoIndice &rango_capas, size_t f, size_t c, const std::string &nmb="tmp") (defined in XC::EntMdlr) | XC::EntMdlr | |
GetVarRefFilaI(const RangoTritriz &rango, const std::string &nmb="tmp") (defined in XC::EntMdlr) | XC::EntMdlr | |
GetVarRefFilaJ(size_t capa=1, size_t c=1, const std::string &nmb="tmp") (defined in XC::EntMdlr) | XC::EntMdlr | |
GetVarRefFilaJ(size_t capa, const RangoIndice &rango_filas, size_t c, const std::string &nmb="tmp") (defined in XC::EntMdlr) | XC::EntMdlr | |
GetVarRefFilaJ(const RangoTritriz &rango, const std::string &nmb="tmp") (defined in XC::EntMdlr) | XC::EntMdlr | |
GetVarRefFilaK(size_t capa=1, size_t f=1, const std::string &nmb="tmp") (defined in XC::EntMdlr) | XC::EntMdlr | |
GetVarRefFilaK(size_t capa, size_t f, const RangoIndice &rango_cols, const std::string &nmb="tmp") (defined in XC::EntMdlr) | XC::EntMdlr | |
GetVarRefFilaK(const RangoTritriz &rango, const std::string &nmb="tmp") (defined in XC::EntMdlr) | XC::EntMdlr | |
GetVertice(const size_t &i) | XC::Block | |
GetVertice(const size_t &i) const | XC::Block | virtual |
getVtkCellType(void) const | XC::Block | virtual |
In(const Node *) const | XC::SetEstruct | virtual |
In(const Element *) const | XC::SetEstruct | virtual |
XC::SetBase::In(const Pnt *) const | XC::SetBase | virtual |
XC::SetBase::In(const Edge *) const | XC::SetBase | virtual |
XC::SetBase::In(const Face *) const | XC::SetBase | virtual |
XC::SetBase::In(const Body *) const | XC::SetBase | virtual |
XC::SetBase::In(const UniformGrid *) const | XC::SetBase | virtual |
inicComm(const int &dataSize) const | XC::DistributedBase | |
inserta(const size_t &) | XC::Block | protected |
labels | XC::EntMdlrBase | protected |
MovableObject(int classTag, int dbTag) | XC::MovableObject | |
MovableObject(int classTag) | XC::MovableObject | |
MovableObject(const MovableObject &otro) | XC::MovableObject | |
NDivI(void) const | XC::Block | |
NDivJ(void) const | XC::Block | |
NDivK(void) const | XC::Block | |
NumFaces(void) const | XC::Block | virtual |
NumLineas(void) const | XC::Block | virtual |
NumVertices(void) const | XC::Block | virtual |
operator=(const EntMdlr &otro) | XC::EntMdlr | |
XC::SetEstruct::operator=(const SetEstruct &otro) | XC::SetEstruct | |
XC::SetBase::operator=(const EntMdlrBase &otro) | XC::EntMdlrBase | |
XC::MovableObject::operator=(const MovableObject &otro) | XC::MovableObject | |
recvData(const CommParameters &) | XC::EntMdlrBase | protected |
recvIdsEtiquetas(const int &, const int &, const CommParameters &) | XC::EntMdlrBase | protected |
recvSelf(const CommParameters &) | XC::EntMdlrBase | virtual |
resetTributarias(void) const | XC::SetBase | |
sendData(CommParameters &) | XC::EntMdlrBase | protected |
sendIdsEtiquetas(const int &, const int &, CommParameters &) | XC::EntMdlrBase | protected |
sendSelf(CommParameters &) | XC::EntMdlrBase | virtual |
set_indice(const size_t &i) | XC::EntMdlr | virtual |
set_surf(Face *s) | XC::Body | protected |
SetBase(const std::string &nmb="", Preprocessor *preprocessor=nullptr) | XC::SetBase | |
setDbTag(int dbTag) | XC::MovableObject | |
setDbTag(CommParameters &) | XC::MovableObject | |
setDbTagDataPos(const int &i, const int &v) | XC::DistributedBase | |
SetEstruct(const std::string &nmb="", Preprocessor *preprocessor=nullptr) | XC::SetEstruct | |
SetEstruct(const SetEstruct &otro) | XC::SetEstruct | |
setGenMesh(bool m) | XC::EntMdlr | |
setParameter(const std::vector< std::string > &argv, Parameter ¶m) (defined in XC::MovableObject) | XC::MovableObject | virtual |
setVariable(const std::string &variable, Information &) | XC::MovableObject | virtual |
TieneNodos(void) const (defined in XC::EntMdlr) | XC::EntMdlr | inline |
ttzElements (defined in XC::EntMdlr) | XC::EntMdlr | protected |
ttzNodes (defined in XC::EntMdlr) | XC::EntMdlr | protected |
updateParameter(int parameterID, Information &info) (defined in XC::MovableObject) | XC::MovableObject | virtual |
~EntMdlr(void) | XC::EntMdlr | virtual |
~SetBase(void) (defined in XC::SetBase) | XC::SetBase | inlinevirtual |