(nSidPol, RbaseC, RtopC, Hprism=0, Lstruts=0)¶ Bases:
This class is aimed at constructing the model of a rotationally symetric tensegrity prism with n-polygons on two parallel planes, twisted over angle alfa with respect to each other. The twist angle is obtained by the theorem of Tobie and Kenner as: alfa=pi/2-pi/n. The origin of the cartesian coordinate system is placed at the center of the base circle, with the z-axis in the axis of the cylinder and joint n+1.
Variables: - nSidPol – number of sides of the regular n-polygon
- RbaseC – radius of the base circle circunscribing the n-polygon
- RtopC – radius of the top circle circunscribing the n-polygon
- Hprism – heigth of the prism (defaults to 0, change its value only if we want to fix the height of the prism, otherwise Hprism is calculated as a function of the given length of the struts)
- Lstruts – length of the stuts (defaults to 0, only change this value if we want to fix the length of the struts and calculate the height of the prism as a function of Lstruts)
- alpha – twist angle
()¶ return the cart. coord. of the joinst of a rotationally symetric tensegrity prism with n-polygons on two parallel planes, twisted over angle alfa with respect to each other. The twist angle is obtained by the theorem of Tobie and Kenner as: alfa=pi/2-pi/n. The origin of the cartesian coordinate system is placed at the center of the base circle, with the z-axis in the axis of the cylinder and joint n+1. ‘jt’ corresponds to joints in the top circle ‘jb’ corresponds to joints in the base circle
()¶ Return the joints id linked by each line (strut or cable) ‘strut’ corresponds to compression bars ‘sadd’ corresponds to saddle strings (cables forming the n-polygons) ‘diag’ corresponds to diagonal strings