Materials according to EHE code¶
Reinforced concrete materials according to EHE-08.
(nmbConcrete, fck, gammaC, typeAggregate='cuarcita')¶ Bases:
Concrete model according to EHE
Variables: - nmbConcrete – name of the concrete
- fck – characteristic strength [Pa]
- gammaC – concrete partial safety factor
- typeAggregate – types of aggregate= “cuarcita”, “arenisca”, “caliza normal”, “caliza densa”, “volcanica porosa”, “volcanica normal”, “granito”, “diabasa” (defaults to ‘cuarcita’)
()¶ Mean tensile strength [Pa][+] (according to clause 39.1 EHE-08)
()¶ Concrete characteristic tensile strength [Pa][+] (according to clause 39.1 EHE-08)
()¶ Characteristic tensile strength (lower value) [Pa][+] (according to clause 39.1 EHE)
()¶ Characteristic tensile strength (higher value) [Pa][+] (according to clause 39.1 EHE)
()¶ Correction coefficient to the longitudinal modulus of deformation taking into account the type of aggregate.
(t, t0, RH, h0mm, sigmaT0)¶ return the creep deformation between t0 and t
Parameters: - t – age of concrete in days at the moment considered
- t0 – age of concrete in days at loading
- RH – ambient relative humidity(%)
- h0mm –
notional size of the member in mm h0mm=2*Ac/u, where:
- Ac= cross sectional area
- u = perimeter of the member in contact with the atmosphere
- sigmaT0: Constant stress appliend in t0.
()¶ Initial modulus of longitudinal deformation at 28 days expressed in [Pa] [+] according to clause 39.6 of EHE-08.
()¶ Longitudinal secant modulus of deformation at 28 days expressed in [Pa] [+] according to clause 39.6 of EHE-08.
(t)¶ Longitudinal concrete modulus of deformation at t days expressed in [Pa] [+] according to comments to clause 39.6 of EHE-08.
Parameters: t – Age of concrete, expressed in days.
()¶ return strain (<0) at peak stress at parabola-rectangle diagram (art. 39.5 EHE, figure 39.5.a EHE)
()¶ return nominal ultimate strain [-] at parabola-rectangle diagram (art. 39.5 EHE, figure 39.5.a EHE)
()¶ return exponent n for the parabola-rectangle diagram (art. 39.5 EHE, figure 39.5.a EHE)
()¶ Fctm: mean tensile strength [Pa][+] (art. 39.1 EHE)
(steelName, fpk, fmax=1860000000.0, alpha=0.75, steelRelaxationClass=1, tendonClass='strand')¶ Bases:
Prestressing steel model according to EHE-08.
Parameters: - fpk – Elastic limit.
- fmax – Steel strength.
- alpha – stress-to-strength ratio.
- steelRelaxationClass – Relaxation class 1: normal, 2: improved, and 3: relaxation for bars.
- tendonClass – Tendon class wire, strand or bar.
()¶ Return the relaxation at 1000 hours after stressing (See table 38.9.a at EHE-08)
(initialStress)¶ Return final change in tendon stress due to relaxation.
Parameters: initialStress – Initial stress in tendon.
(tDays, initialStress)¶ Return change in tendon stress due to relaxation at time t.
Parameters: - initialStress – Initial stress in tendon.
- tDays – Time in days after prestressing (to make easier to deal with shrinkage and creep at the same time).
(tDias)¶ Return the relaxation at time tDias in days after stressing.
Parameters: tDays – Time in days after prestressing (to make easier to deal with shrinkage and creep at the same time).
= <scipy.interpolate.interpolate.interp1d object>¶
= <scipy.interpolate.interpolate.interp1d object>¶
= {'HA100': HA100, 'HA20': HA20, 'HA25': HA25, 'HA30': HA30, 'HA35': HA35, 'HA40': HA40, 'HA45': HA45, 'HA50': HA50, 'HA55': HA55, 'HA60': HA60, 'HA70': HA70, 'HA80': HA80, 'HA90': HA90, 'HP45': HP45, 'HP50': HP50}¶ Factor that multiplies the characteristic value of concrete compressive strength from its age in days for normal hardening concrete (table 30.4.b EHE)
= <scipy.interpolate.interpolate.interp1d object>¶ Factor that multiplies the characteristic value of concrete compressive strength from its age in days for fast hardening concrete (table 30.4.b EHE)
= <scipy.interpolate.interpolate.interp1d object>¶ Factor that multiplies the characteristic value of concrete tensile strength from its age in days for normal hardening concrete (table 30.4.c EHE)
(sigma_cp, Ep, Ecj)¶ Losses due to elastic shortening of the concrete in prestressed tendons
Parameters: - sigma_cp – compressive stress in the concrete in the level of the center of gravity of the active reinforcement, due to prestressing after deducting the losses due to wedge penetration
- Ep – modulus of longitudinal elasticity of the active reinforcements (190e9).
- Ecj – modulus of longitudinal elasticity of the concrete for the age j corresponding to the moment of applying the load to the active reinforcements.
(a, L, Ep)¶ Losses due to wedge penetration in post-tensioned straight tendons of short length (according to section of EHE-08)
Parameters: - a – wedge penetration (usually: 5 mm)
- L – total length of the straight tendon
- Ep – longitudinal strain modulus of an active reinforcement (190e9).
(a, b, a1, b1)¶ Bases:
()¶ Return area of the block member.
()¶ Return block member loaded area.
(fcd)¶ Return the value of f3cd.
(fcd)¶ Return the the maximum compressive force that can be obtained in the Ultimate Limit State of on a restricted surface (see figure 61.1.a on page 302 of EHE-08), of area Ac1 , concentrically and homothetically situated on another area, Ac.
Parameters: :param fcd: design compressive strength of concrete.
(Nd, fyd)¶ Return the area of the reinforcement parallel to side a (see figure 61.1.a page 302 EHE-08)
param Nd: concentrated load. param fyd: steel yield strength.
(Nd, fyd)¶ Return the area of the reinforcement parallel to side b (see figure 61.1.a page 302 EHE-08)
param Nd: concentrated load. param fyd: steel yield strength.
(Nd)¶ Return the design tension for the transverse reinforcement in a direction parallel to side a (see figure 61.1.a page 302 EHE-08).
- Parameters:
param Nd: concentrated load.
(Nd)¶ Return the design tension for the transverse reinforcement in a direction parallel to side b (see figure 61.1.a page 302 EHE-08).
param Nd: concentrated load.
(Ac, fcd, fyd)¶ Bases:
(As, Nd)¶ Checking of main reinforcement ratio in compression.
()¶ Return the maximal reinforcement amount.
()¶ Minimum geometric reinforcement amount for columns according to table 42.3.5 of EHE-08.
(Nd)¶ Minimum mechanical reinforcement amount.
(concrete, steel, jointType)¶ Bases:
Concrete corbel as in EHE-08 design code.
(Fv)¶ - getAreaNecApoyo(self,Fv): return the area needed for the
- support according to clause of EHE-08.
Parameters: Fv – Vertical load on the corbel, positive downwards (N).
(Fv)¶ - getAreaNecCercos(self,Fv): return the area needed for the
- stirrup reinforcements bars in the corbel according to clause of EHE-08.
Parameters: Fv – Vertical load on the corbel, positive downwards (N).
(Fv, Fh)¶ - getAreaNecMainReinforcement(self, Fv,Fh): return the area needed
- for the main reinforcement according to clause of EHE-08.
Parameters: - Fv – Vertical load on the corbel, positive downwards (N).
- Fh – Horizontal load on the corbel, positive outwards (N).
()¶ Return the cotangent of the angle between the concrete compressed strut an the vertical according to clause of EHE-08.
(Fv, Fh)¶ - getMainReinforcementTension(self, Fv,Fh). Return the tension
- in the main reinforcement according to clause of EHE-08.
Parameters: - Fv – Vertical load on the corbel, positive downwards (N).
- Fh – Horizontal load on the corbel, positive outwards (N).
(a)¶ getMinimumEffectiveDepth(self, a) return the minimal effective depth of the corbel according to clause of EHE-08.
Parameters: a – Distance (m) between the axis of the applied load and the corbel fixed section (see figure 64.1.2 of EHE-08).
(Fv)¶ - getStirrupsTension(Fv): return the tension in the stirrups
- to clause of EHE-08.
Parameters: Fv – Vertical load on the corbel, positive downwards (N).
(limitStateLabel)¶ Bases:
Define the properties that will be needed for crack control checking as in clause 49.2.4 of EHE-08.
(elements, nmbComb)¶ Crack control of concrete sections.
(scc, concreteMatTag, reinfSteelMaterialTag, fctm)¶ Computes the characteristic value of the crack width.
Parameters: - scc – section.
- reinfSteelMaterialTag – identifier of the concrete material.
- reinfSteelMaterialTag – identifier of the reinforcing steel material.
- fctm – average tensile strength of the concrete.
(tensionedReinforcement)¶ - Compute the characteristic crack opening on each bar and return
- the maximum.
Parameters: tensionedReinforcement –
()¶ Prints crack control parameters.
(limitStateLabel)¶ Bases:
Definition of variables involved in the verification of the cracking serviceability limit state according to EHE-08 when considering a concrete stress-strain diagram that takes account of the effects of tension stiffening.
(width, h, x)¶ Return the maximum height to be considered in the calculation of the concrete effective area in tension.
Parameters: - width – section width
- h – lever arm
- x – depth of the neutral fiber.
(eps1, eps2)¶ Return the coefficient k1 involved in the calculation of the mean crack distance according to EHE. This coefficient represents the effect of the tension diagram in the section.
Parameters: - eps1 – maximum deformation calculated in the section at the limits of the tension zone
- eps2 – minimum deformation calculated in the section at the limits of the tension zone
(elements, nmbComb)¶ For each element in the set ‘elememts’ passed as first parameter and the resulting internal forces for the load combination ‘nmbComb’ passed as second parameter, this method calculates all the variables involved in the crack-SLS checking and obtains the crack width. In the case that the calculated crack width is greater than the biggest obtained for the element in previous load combinations, this value is saved in the element results record.
Elements processed are those belonging to the phantom model, that is to say, of type xc.ZeroLengthSection. As we have defined the variable fakeSection as False, a reinfoced concrete fiber section is generated for each of these elements.
(elements)¶ Initialize control variables over elements.
Parameters: elements – elements to define control variables in
(limitStateLabel)¶ Bases:
Shear control according to EHE-08.
(scc, torsionParameters, concrete, reinfSteel, Nd, Md, Vd, Td)¶ Compute the shear strength at failure. XXX Presstressing contribution not implemented yet.
Parameters: - scc – fiber model of the section.
- torsionParameters – parameters that define torsional behaviour of the section as in clause 45.1 of EHE-08.
- concrete – parameters to model concrete.
- reinfSteel – parameters to model rebar’s steel.
- Nd – Design value of axial force (positive if in tension)
- Md – Absolute value of design value of bending moment.
- Vd – Absolute value of effective design shear (clause 42.2.2).
- Td – design value of torsional moment.
(scc, concrete, reinfSteel)¶ Compute the shear strength at failure without shear reinforcement according to clause of EHE-08. XXX Presstressing contribution not implemented yet.
Parameters: - scc – fiber model of the section.
- reinfSteelMaterialTag – reinforcement steel material identifier.
- concrete – parameters to modelize concrete.
- reinfSteel – parameters to modelize reinforcement steel.
(scc, torsionParameters, concrete, reinfSteel, Nd, Md, Vd, Td)¶ Compute the shear strength at failure WITH shear reinforcement. XXX Presstressing contribution not implemented yet.
Parameters: - scc – fiber model of the section.
- torsionParameters – parameters that define torsional behaviour of the section as in clause 45.1 of EHE-08.
- reinfSteelMaterialTag – reinforcement steel material identifier.
- concrete – concrete material.
- reinfSteel – reinforcement steel.
- Nd – Design value of axial force (here positive if in tension)
- Md – Absolute value of design value of bending moment.
- Vd – Absolute value of effective design shear (clause 42.2.2).
- Td – design value of torsional moment.
(elements, nmbComb)¶ For each element in the set ‘elements’ passed as first parameter and the resulting internal forces for the load combination ‘nmbComb’ passed as second parameter, this method calculates all the variables involved in the shear-ULS checking and obtains the capacity factor. In the case that the calculated capacity factor is smaller than the smallest obtained for the element in previous load combinations, this value is saved in the element results record.
Elements processed are those belonging to the phantom model, that is to say, of type xc.ZeroLengthSection. As we have defined the variable fakeSection as False, a reinfoced concrete fiber section is generated for each of these elements.
XXX Rebar orientation not taken into account yet.
(scc, concrete, reinfSteel)¶ Extract basic parameters from the fiber model of the section
Parameters: - scc – fiber model of the section.
- concrete – parameters to modelize concrete.
- reinfSteel – parameters to modelize reinforcement steel.
(elements)¶ Initialize control variables over elements.
Parameters: elements – elements to define control variables in
¶ Bases:
Defines shear design parameters.
(concreteFibersSet, rebarFibersSet, tensionedRebarsFiberSet, fck, fcd, fyd, fpd, fydTrsv)¶ Compute section shear strength.
()¶ Print shear checking values.
¶ Bases:
Methods for checking reinforced concrete section under torsion according to clause 45.1 of EHE-08.
(sectionGeometry, h0, c)¶ - Computes the parameter for torsion analysis of an
- effective hollow section. Not valid if for non-convex sections.
Parameters: - sectionGeometry – section geometry.
- h0 – real thickness of the section wall.
- c – cover of the longitudinal reinforcement.
(theta, thetaE)¶ - getBetaVcuEHE08(theta,thetaE) [uds: N, m, rad]
- Return the value of «beta» for the expression of Vcu according to clause of EHE-08.
Parameters: - thetaE – Reference angle of inclination of cracks.
- theta – angle between the concrete compressed struts and the member axis (figure EHE).
(Nd, Md, Vd, Td, z, AsPas, AsAct, Es, Ep, Fp, Ae, ue)¶ - getCrackAngleEHE08(Nd,Md,Vd,Td,z,AsPas,AsAct,Es,Ep,Fp,Ae,ue) [uds: N, m, rad]
- Return the reference angle of inclination of cracks (in radians) from the longitudinal strain in the web. See general method in clause of EHE-08.
Parameters: - Nd – Design value of axial force (here positive if in tension)
- Md – Absolute value of design value of bending moment.
- Vd – Absolute value of effective design shear (clause 42.2.2).
- Td – design value of torsional moment.
- z – Lever arm.
- AsPas – Area of tensioned longitudinal steel rebars anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
- AsAct – Area of tensioned longitudinal prestressed steel anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
- Es – reinforcing steel elastic modulus.
- Ep – prestressing steel elastic modulus.
- Fp – Prestressing force on the section (positive if in tension).
- Ae – Area enclosed by the middle line of the effective hollow section.
- ue – Perimeter of the middle line of the effective hollow section.
(Nd, Md, Vd, Td, z, AsPas, AsAct, Es, Ep, Fp, Ae, ue)¶ getEpsilonXEHE08(Nd,Md,Vd,Td,z,AsPas,AsAct,Es,Ep,Fp,Ae,ue) [uds: N, m, rad] Return the longitudinal strain in the web according to expression in commments to the clause of EHE-08.
Parameters: - Nd – Design value of axial force (here positive if in tension)
- Md – Absolute value of design value of bending moment.
- Vd – Absolute value of effective design shear (clause 42.2.2).
- Td – design value of torsional moment.
- z – Lever arm.
- AsPas – Area of tensioned longitudinal steel rebars anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
- AsAct – Area of tensioned longitudinal prestressed steel anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
- Es – reinforcing steel elastic modulus.
- Ep – prestressing steel elastic modulus.
- Fp – Prestressing force on the section (positive if in tension).
- Ae – Area enclosed by the middle line of the effective hollow section.
- ue – Perimeter of the middle line of the effective hollow section.
(fck, fcd)¶ Parameters: - fck – concrete characteristic compressive strength (Pa).
- fcd – design value of concrete compressive strength (N/m2).
Returns the value of f1cd (design value of the concrete strut strength) according to clause of EHE-08.
(fact, fck, Nd, Ac, b0, d, AsPas, fyd, AsAct, fpd)¶ Return the value of fcv (concrete virtual shear strength) for parts WITH or WITHOUT shear reinforcement, according to clauses y of EHE.
Parameters: - fact –
- factor equal to 0.12 for parts WITHOUT shear reinforcement
- (0.18/gammac)
and 0.10 for parts WITH shear reinforcement (0.15/gammac).
- fck – concrete characteristic compressive strength.
- Nd – axial force design value (positive if in tension).
- Ac – concrete section total area.
- b0 – net width of the element according to clause 40.3.5.
- d – effective depth (meters).
- AsPas – Area of tensioned longitudinal steel rebars anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
- fyd – reinforcing steel design yield strength (clause 38.3 EHE).
- AsAct – Area of tensioned longitudinal prestressed steel anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
- fpd – design value of prestressing steel strength (clause 38.6 EHE).
- fact –
(fcd)¶ - Return fcv (concrete virtual shear strength)
- according to EH-91.
Parameters: - fcd – design compressive strength of concrete.
- b – net width of the element according to clause 40.3.5.
- d – effective depth (meters).
(fact, fcv, gammaC, b0, d, chi, sgpcd, AsPas, AsAct)¶ - getFcvEHE08(fact,fcv,gammaC,b0,d,chi,sgpcd,AsPas,AsAct) [uds: N, m, rad]
- Return the value of fcv (concrete virtual shear strength) for parts WITH or WITHOUT shear reinforcement in cracked regions, according to clauses and of EHE-08.
Parameters: - fact – Factor que toma el valor 0.18 for parts WITHOUT shear reinforcement y 0.15 for parts WITH shear reinforcement.
- fcv – effective concrete shear strength. For members without shear reinforcement fcv= min(fck,60MPa). For members with shear reinforcement fcv= min(fck,100MPa). In both cases, if concrete quality control is not direct fcv= 15 MPa.
- gammaC – Partial safety factor for concrete.
- b0 – net width of the element according to clause 40.3.5.
- d – effective depth (meters).
- chi – coefficient that takes into account the aggregate effect inside the effective depth.
- sgpcd – average axial stress in the web (positive if in compression).
- AsPas – Area of tensioned longitudinal steel rebars anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
- AsAct – Area of tensioned longitudinal prestressed steel anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
(fcv, gammaC, d, chi, sgpcd)¶ - Return the minimum value of fcv (concrete virtual shear strength)
- for members WITHOUT shear reinforcement in cracked regions, according to clause of EHE-08.
Parameters: - fcv – effective concrete shear strength. For members without shear reinforcement fcv= min(fck,60MPa). For members with shear reinforcement fcv= min(fck,100MPa). In both cases, if concrete quality control is not direct fcv= 15 MPa.
- gammaC – Partial safety factor for concrete.
- d – effective depth (meters).
- chi – coefficient that takes into account the aggregate effect inside the effective depth.
- sgpcd – average axial stress in the web (positive if in compression).
(sgpcd, fcd)¶ Parameters: - sgpcd – effective normal stress in concrete Ncd/Ac.
- fcd – design value of concrete compressive strength (N/m2).
Return the value of K (coeficiente que depende del esfuerzo axil) according to clause de la EHE-08
(fck, Nd, Ac, b0, d, theta, AsPas, fyd, AsAct, fpd, sgxd, sgyd)¶ Return the value of Vcu (contribution of the concrete to shear strength) for parts WITH shear reinforcement, according to clause of EHE (1998).
Parameters: - fck – concrete characteristic compressive strength.
- Nd – axial force design value (positive if in tension).
- Ac – concrete section total area.
- b0 – net width of the element according to clause 40.3.5.
- d – effective depth (meters).
- theta – angle between the concrete compressed struts and the member axis (figure EHE 1998).
- AsPas – area of tensioned longitudinal steel rebars anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
- fyd – reinforcing steel design yield strength (clause 38.3 EHE).
- AsAct – Area of tensioned longitudinal prestressed steel anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
- fpd – design value of prestressing steel strength (clause 38.6 EHE).
- sgxd – design value of normal stress at the centre of gravity of the section parallel to the main axis of the member. Calculated assuming NON CRACKED concrete (clause
- sgyd – design value of normal stress at the centre of gravity of the section parallel to shear force Vd. Calculated assuming NON CRACKED concrete (clause
(fcv, fcd, gammaC, Ncd, Ac, b0, d, z, AsPas, AsAct, theta, Nd, Md, Vd, Td, Es, Ep, Fp, Ae, ue)¶ - getVcuEHE08(fcv,fcd,gammaC,Ncd,Ac,b0,d,z,AsPas,AsAct,theta,Nd,Md,Vd,Td,Es,Ep,Fp,Ae,ue)
- [uds: N, m, rad] Return the value of Vcu (contribution of the concrete to shear strength) for parts WITH shear reinforcement, according to clause of EHE-08.
Parameters: - fcv – effective concrete shear strength. For members without shear reinforcement fcv= min(fck,60MPa). For members with shear reinforcement fcv= min(fck,100MPa). In both cases, if concrete quality control is not direct fcv= 15 MPa.
- fcd – design value of concrete compressive strength).
- gammaC – Partial safety factor for concrete.
- Ncd – design value of axial force in concrete (positive if in tension).
- Ac – concrete section total area.
- b0 – net width of the element according to clause 40.3.5.
- d – effective depth (meters).
- z – Lever arm.
- AsPas – Area of tensioned longitudinal steel rebars anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
- AsAct – Area of tensioned longitudinal prestressed steel anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
- theta – angle between the concrete compressed struts and the member axis (figure EHE)
- Nd – Design value of axial force (positive if in tension)
- Md – Absolute value of design value of bending moment.
- Vd – Absolute value of effective design shear (clause 42.2.2).
- Td – design value of torsional moment.
- Es – reinforcing steel elastic modulus.
- Ep – prestressing steel elastic modulus.
- Fp – Prestressing force on the section (positive if in tension).
- Ae – Area enclosed by the middle line of the effective hollow section.
- ue – Perimeter of the middle line of the effective hollow section.
(z, alpha, theta, AsTrsv, fyd)¶ Return the value of Vsu (contribution of the web’s transverse reinforcement to shear strength) for parts WITH shear reinforcement, according to clause of EHE.
Parameters: - z – Mechanic lever arm.
- alpha – angle of the shear reinforcement with the member axis (see figure EHE).
- theta – angle between the concrete compressed struts and the member axis (figure EHE).
- AsTrsv – transverse reinforcement area.
- fyd – design yield strength of the transverse reinforcement.
(z, alpha, theta, AsTrsv, fyd)¶ getVsuEHE08(z,alpha,theta,AsTrsv,fyd) [uds: N, m, rad] Return the value of Vsu (contribution of the web’s transverse reinforcement to shear strength) for parts WITH shear reinforcement, according to clause of EHE-08.
Parameters: - z – mechanic lever arm.
- alpha – angle of the transverse reinforcement with the member axis.
- theta – angle between the concrete compressed struts and the member axis (figure EHE).
- AsTrsv – transverse reinforcement area which contribution will be computed.
- fyd – design yield strength of the transverse reinforcement.
(fck, fcd, Nd, Ac, b0, d, z, alpha, theta, AsPas, fyd, AsAct, fpd, sgxd, sgyd, AsTrsv, fydTrsv)¶ - Return the value of Vu= max(Vu1,Vu2) for parts WITH or WITHOUT shear
- reinforcement, according to clause of EHE (1998).
Parameters: - fck – concrete characteristic compressive strength.
- Nd – axial force design value (positive if in tension).
- Ac – concrete section total area.
- b0 – net width of the element according to clause 40.3.5.
- d – effective depth (meters).
- z – mechanic lever arm.
- alpha – angle of the shear reinforcement with the part axis (figure EHE).
- theta – angle between the concrete compressed struts and the member axis (figure EHE).
- AsPas – Area of tensioned longitudinal steel rebars anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
- fyd – reinforcing steel design yield strength (clause 38.3 EHE).
- AsAct – Area of tensioned longitudinal prestressed steel anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
- fpd – design value of prestressing steel strength (clause 38.6 EHE).
- sgxd – design value of normal stress at the centre of gravity of the section parallel to the main axis of the member. Calculated assuming NON CRACKED concrete (clause
- sgyd – design value of normal stress at the centre of gravity of the section parallel to shear force Vd. Calculated assuming NON CRACKED concrete (clause
- AsTrsv – transverse reinforcement area.
- fydTrsv – design yield strength of the transverse reinforcement.
(fcd, Nd, Ac, b0, d, alpha, theta)¶ Return value of Vu1 (shear strength at failure due to diagonal compression in the web) according to clause of EHE.
Parameters: - fcd – Design compressive strength of concrete.
- Nd – axial force design value (positive if in tension).
- Ac – concrete section total area.
- b0 – net width of the element according to clause 40.3.5.
- d – effective depth.
- alpha – angle between the shear rebars and the member axis (figure EHE).
- theta – angle between the concrete compressed struts and the member axis (figure EHE).
(fck, fcd, Ncd, Ac, b0, d, alpha, theta)¶ getVu1EHE08(fck,fcd,Ncd,Ac,b0,d,alpha,theta) [uds: N, m, rad]
Parameters: - fck – concrete characteristic compressive strength.
- fcd – design value of concrete compressive strength (N/m2).
- Ncd – design value of axial force in concrete (positive if in tension).
- Ac – concrete section total area.
- b0 – net width of the element according to clause 40.3.5.
- d – effective depth.
- alpha – angle of the shear reinforcement with the part axis (figure EHE-08).
- theta – angle between the concrete compressed struts and the member axis (figure EHE).
Return the value of Vu1 (shear strength at failure due to diagonal compression in the web) according to clause of EHE-08.
(fck, Nd, Ac, b0, d, z, alpha, theta, AsPas, fyd, AsAct, fpd, sgxd, sgyd, AsTrsv, fydTrsv)¶ Return the value of Vu2 (ultimate shear force failure due to tensile force in the web) for parts WITH or WITHOUT shear reinforcement, according to clause of EHE (1998).
Parameters: - fck – concrete characteristic compressive strength.
- Nd – axial force design value (positive if in tension).
- Ac – concrete section total area.
- b0 – net width of the element according to clause 40.3.5.
- d – effective depth (meters).
- z – mechanic lever arm.
- alpha – angle of the shear reinforcement with the member axis (see figure EHE).
- theta – angle between the concrete compressed struts and the member axis (figure EHE).
- AsPas – Area of tensioned longitudinal steel rebars anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
- fyd – reinforcing steel design yield strength (clause 38.3 of EHE).
- AsAct – Area of tensioned longitudinal prestressed steel anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
- fpd – design value of prestressing steel strength (clause 38.6 of EHE).
- sgxd – design value of normal stress at the centre of gravity of the section parallel to the main axis of the member. Calculated assuming NON CRACKED concrete (clause
- sgyd – design value of normal stress at the centre of gravity of the section parallel to shear force Vd. Calculated assuming NON CRACKED concrete (clause
- AsTrsv – transverse reinforcement area.
- fydTrsv – design yield strength of the transverse reinforcement.
(M, Mfis, fcv, fck, gammaC, I, S, alphaL, Ncd, Ac, b0, d, AsPas, AsAct)¶ - getVu2EHE08NoAt(M,Mfis,fcv,fck,gammaC,I,S,alphaL,Ncd,Ac,b0,d,AsPas,AsAct) [uds: N, m, rad]
- Return the value of Vu2 (shear strength at failure due to tensile force in the web) for members WITHOUT shear reinforcement, according to clauses y of EHE-08.
Parameters: - M – Bending moment in the section.
- Mfis – Cracking moment of the section calculated using fct,d = fct,k/gammaC in the same plane that M.
- fcv – effective concrete shear strength. For members without shear reinforcement fcv= min(fck,60MPa). For members with shear reinforcement fcv= min(fck,100MPa). In both cases, if concrete quality control is not direct fcv= 15 MPa.
- fck – concrete characteristic compressive strength.
- gammaC – Partial safety factor for concrete.
- Ncd – design value of axial force in concrete (positive if in tension).
- Ac – concrete section total area.
- b0 – net width of the element according to clause 40.3.5.
- d – effective depth (meters).
- AsPas – Area of tensioned longitudinal steel rebars anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
- AsAct – Area of tensioned longitudinal prestressed steel anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
(fctd, I, S, b0, alphal, Ncd, Ac)¶ getVu2EHE08NoAtNoFis(fctd,I,S,b0,alphal,Ncd,Ac) [uds: N, m, rad]
Parameters: - fctd – design tensile strength of the concrete.
- I – Moment of inertia of the section with respect of its centroid.
- S – First moment of the section above the center of gravity.
- b0 – net width of the element according to clause 40.3.5.
- alphal – coeficiente que, en su caso, introduce el efecto de la transferencia.
- Ncd – design value of axial force in concrete (positive if in tension).
- Ac – concrete section total area.
Return the value of Vu2 (shear strength at failure due to tensile force in the web) according to clause of EHE-08.
(fcv, fcd, gammaC, Ncd, Ac, b0, d, AsPas, AsAct)¶ - getVu2EHE08NoAtSiFis(fcv,fcd,gammaC,Ncd,Ac,b0,d,AsPas,AsAct) [uds: N, m]
- Return the value of Vu2 (shear strength at failure due to tensile force in the web) for parts WITHOUT shear reinforcement in cracked regions, according to clause of EHE-08.
Parameters: - fcv – effective concrete shear strength. For members without shear reinforcement fcv= min(fck,60MPa). For members with shear reinforcement fcv= min(fck,100MPa). In both cases, if concrete quality control is not direct fcv= 15 MPa.
- fcd – design value of concrete compressive strength).
- gammaC – Partial safety factor for concrete.
- Ncd – design value of axial force in concrete (positive if in tension).
- Ac – concrete section total area.
- b0 – net width of the element according to clause 40.3.5.
- d – effective depth (meters).
- AsPas – Area of tensioned longitudinal steel rebars anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
- AsAct – Area of tensioned longitudinal prestressed steel anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
(fcv, fcd, fyd, gammaC, Ncd, Ac, b0, d, z, AsPas, AsAct, AsTrsv, alpha, theta, Nd, Md, Vd, Td, Es, Ep, Fp, Ae, ue)¶ - getVu2EHE08SiAt(fcv,fcd,fyd,gammaC,Ncd,Ac,b0,d,z,AsPas,AsAct,AsTrsv, alpha, theta,Nd,Md,Vd,Td,Es,Ep,Fp,Ae,ue) [uds: N, m, rad].
- Return the value of Vu2 (shear strength at failure due to tensile force in the web) for parts WITH shear reinforcement, according to clause of EHE-08.
Parameters: - fcv – effective concrete shear strength. For members without shear reinforcement fcv= min(fck,60MPa). For members with shear reinforcement fcv= min(fck,100MPa). In both cases, if concrete quality control is not direct fcv= 15 MPa.
- fcd – design value of concrete compressive strength).
- fyd – design yield strength of the transverse reinforcement.
- gammaC – Partial safety factor for concrete.
- Ncd – design value of axial force in concrete (positive if in tension).
- Ac – concrete section total area.
- b0 – net width of the element according to clause 40.3.5.
- d – effective depth (meters).
- z – Lever arm.
- AsPas – Area of tensioned longitudinal steel rebars anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
- AsAct – Area of tensioned longitudinal prestressed steel anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
- AsTrsv – transverse reinforcement area.
- alpha – angle of the transverse reinforcement with the axis of the part.
- theta – angle between the concrete compressed struts and the member axis (figure EHE).
- Nd – Design value of axial force (positive if in tension)
- Md – Absolute value of design value of bending moment.
- Vd – Absolute value of effective design shear (clause 42.2.2).
- Td – design value of torsional moment.
- Es – reinforcing steel elastic modulus.
- Ep – prestressing steel elastic modulus.
- Fp – Prestressing force on the section (positive if in tension).
- Ae – Area enclosed by the middle line of the effective hollow section.
- ue – Perimeter of the middle line of the effective hollow section.
(fck, Nd, Ac, b0, d, AsPas, fyd, AsAct, fpd)¶ - Return the value of Vu2 (shear strength at failure due to tensile force in the web)
- for parts WITHOUT shear reinforcement, according to clause of EHE (1998).
Parameters: - fck – concrete characteristic compressive strength.
- Nd – axial force design value (positive if in tension).
- Ac – concrete section total area.
- b0 – net width of the element according to clause 40.3.5.
- d – effective depth (meters).
- AsPas – Area of tensioned longitudinal steel rebars anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
- fyd – reinforcing steel design yield strength (clause 38.3 EHE).
- AsAct – Area of tensioned longitudinal prestressed steel anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
- fpd – design value of prestressing steel strength (clause 38.6 EHE).
(fck, fcv, fcd, fyd, gammaC, Ncd, Ac, b0, d, z, AsPas, AsAct, AsTrsv, alpha, theta, Nd, Md, Vd, Td, Es, Ep, Fp, Ae, ue)¶ def getVuEHE08SiAt(fck,fcv,fcd,fyd,gammaC,Ncd,Ac,b0,d,z,AsPas,AsAct,AsTrsv, alpha, theta,Nd,Md,Vd,Td,Es,Ep,Fp,Ae,ue) [uds: N, m, rad] Return the value of Vu (section shear strength) for parts WITH shear reinforcement, according to clause of EHE-08.
Parameters: - fck – characteristic value of concrete compressive strength.
- fcv – effective concrete shear strength. For members without shear reinforcement fcv= min(fck,60MPa). For members with shear reinforcement fcv= min(fck,100MPa). In both cases, if concrete quality control is not direct fcv= 15 MPa.
- fcd – design value of concrete compressive strength.
- fyd – design yield strength of the transverse reinforcement.
- gammaC – Partial safety factor for concrete.
- Ncd – design value of axial force in concrete (positive if in tension).
- Ac – concrete section total area.
- b0 – net width of the element according to clause 40.3.5.
- d – effective depth (meters).
- z – Lever arm.
- AsPas – Area of tensioned longitudinal steel rebars anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
- AsAct – Area of tensioned longitudinal prestressed steel anchored at a distance greater than the effective depth of the section.
- AsTrsv – transverse reinforcement area.
- alpha – angle of the transverse reinforcement with the axis of the part.
- theta – angle between the concrete compressed struts and the member axis (figure EHE).
- Nd – Design value of axial force (positive if in tension)
- Md – Absolute value of design value of bending moment.
- Vd – Absolute value of effective design shear (clause 42.2.2).
- Td – design value of torsional moment.
- Es – reinforcing steel elastic modulus.
- Ep – prestressing steel elastic modulus.
- Fp – Prestressing force on the section (positive if in tension).
- Ae – Area enclosed by the middle line of the effective hollow section.
- ue – Perimeter of the middle line of the effective hollow section.
()¶ Prints crack control parameters of a bar.
(fck, gammac, hf, Asf, Sf, fyd)¶ Return the shear strength (kN/m) in the flange web contact by unit length according to clause of Eurocode 2
Parameters: :param fck: concrete characteristic compressive strength (Pa). :param gammac: Partial safety factor for concrete. :param hf: flange thickness (m) :param Asf: reinforcement that cross the section by unit length (m2) :param Sf: spacement of the rebars that cross the section (m) :param fyd: design yield strength (Pa)
(fck, fcd, Nd, Ac, b0, d, z, alpha, theta, AsPas, fyd, AsAct, fpd, sgxd, sgyd, AsTrsv, fydTrsv, Vrd)¶ Shear exploitation ratio.
(fck, fcd, Nd, Ac, b0, d, z, alpha, theta, AsPas, fyd, AsAct, fpd, sgxd, sgyd, AsTrsv, fydTrsv, Vrd)¶ Check shear.