Materials according to EAE code¶
(tw)¶ Maximum length of the weld beads according to clause 61.4.1 of EAE.
(l, a, bw, gmw, fu)¶ Shear strength of the weld beads according to clause 61.4.1 of EAE.
(coefLambda)¶ Return stiffener square coefficient.
Parameters: coefLambda – stiffener dimensionless slenderness.
(c, tRig, fy, Es)¶ Returns stiffener dimensionless slenderness.
Parameters: - c – Maximum stiffener depth.
- tRig – Stiffener thickness.
- fy – Steel yield strength.
- Es – Steel elastic modulus.
(n, tn, ta, fu, fy, gammaM2)¶ - Return the capacity factor that correspond to the first condition
- of clause 59.8.2 of EAE (page 256)
Parameters: - n – Normal stress over the rotated plane (see figure 24.1 on the book from UNED).
- tn – Tangential stress over the rotated plane normal to the weld axis.
- ta – Tangential stress over the rotated plane parallel to the weld axis.
- fu – Steel ultimate strength (table 59.8.2 page 304 EAE).
- fy – limit of elasticity of the welding steel (see table 59.8.2) expressed in pascals.
- gammaM2 – Partial safety factor of value 1.25.
(n, tn, fu, gammaM2)¶ Return the capacity factor that correspond to the second condition of those in clause 59.8.2 of EAE (page 256)
Parameters: - sigmaN – Normal stress in weld bead throat plane (see figure 59.8).
- fu – Steel ultimate strength (table 59.8.2 page 304 EAE).
- gammaM2 – Partial safety factor of value 1.25.
(t)¶ Return the maximum throat thickness for a fillet bead that welds a sheet of thickness t according to clause 59.3.2 of EAE (page 296).
param t: Sheet thickness.
(t1, t2)¶ Return the maximum throat thickness which can be used to weld two sheets according to articla 59.3.2 of EAE (page 296).
param t1: Thickness of sheet 1. param t2: Thickness of sheet 2.
(t)¶ Return the minimum throat depth for a fillet bead that welds a sheet of thickness t according to clause 59.3.2 of EAE (page 296).
param t: Sheet thickness.
(t1, t2)¶ Return the minimum throat thickness which can be used to weld two sheets according to articla 59.3.2 of EAE (page 296).
param t1: Thickness of sheet 1. param t2: Thickness of sheet 2.
(sigmaN, tauN, tauPll, fu, fy, gammaM2)¶ Return the minimum of the capacity factors that correspond to the conditions of clause 59.8.2 of EAE (page 256).
Parameters: - sigmaN – Normal stress in weld bead throat plane (see figure 59.8).
- fu – Steel ultimate strength (table 59.8.2 page 304 EAE).
- gammaM2 – Partial safety factor of value 1.25.
(sigmaN, tauN, tauPll, fu, fy, gammaM2)¶ - Return the capacity factor for the first condition of clause
59.8.2 de EAE (page 256).
param sigmaN: Normal stress in weld bead throat plane (see figure 59.8). param tauN: Tangential stress normal to weld bead axis in weld bead throat plane (see figure 59.8). param tauPll: Tangential stress parallel to weld bead axis in weld bead throat plane (see figure 59.8). param fu: Steel ultimate strength (table 59.8.2 page 304 EAE). param fy: limit of elasticity of the welding steel (see table 59.8.2) expressed in pascals. param gammaM2: Partial safety factor of value 1.25.
(sigmaN, fu, gammaM2)¶ Return the capacity factor that correspond to the second condition of clause 59.8.2 of EAE (page 256).
param sigmaN: Normal stress in weld bead throat plane (see figure 59.8). param fu: Steel ultimate strength (table 59.8.2 page 304 EAE). param gammaM2: Partial safety factor of value 1.25.
(sigmaN, tauN, tauPll)¶ Returns the stress combination to use in the left hand side of the yield criterion checking according to clause 59.8.2 of EAE (page 256).
param sigmaN: Normal stress in weld bead throat plane (see figure 59.8). param tauN: Tangential stress normal to weld bead axis in weld bead throat plane (see figure 59.8). param tauPll: Tangential stress parallel to weld bead axis in weld bead throat plane (see figure 59.8).
(fu, gammaM2)¶ Return the ultimate stress of the weld bead to be used for checking the second condition in clause 59.8.2 of EAE (page 256).
param fu: Steel ultimate strength (table 59.8.2 page 304 EAE). param fy: limit of elasticity of the welding steel (see table 59.8.2) expressed in pascals. param gammaM2: Partial safety factor of value 1.25.
(n, tn, ta)¶ Return the stress value to use in the right hand side of the yield criterion according to clause 59.8.2 of EAE (page 256)
Parameters: - n – Normal stress over the rotated plane (see figure 24.1 on the book from UNED).
- tn – Tangential stress over the rotated plane normal to the weld axis.
- ta – Tangential stress over the rotated plane parallel to the weld axis.
(fu, fy, gammaM2)¶ - Return weld bead ultimate stress to be used for strength checking
according to first condition in clause 59.8.2 of EAE (page 256).
param fu: Steel ultimate strength (table 59.8.2 page 304 EAE). param fy: limit of elasticity of the welding steel (see table 59.8.2) expressed in pascals. param gammaM2: Partial safety factor of value 1.25.
(n, t)¶ Return the normal stress in the throat plane from the stress values in the section rotated onto one of the weld legs. See “Estructuras de Acero” of Ramón Argüelles Álvarez (url={}, isbn={9788495279972}) page 4.17 and the book “Estructuras. Estructuras metálicas. U.D.2, Uniones” (url={}, isbn={9788486957087}) of Vicente Cudós Samblancat from Escuela de la Edificación.
Parameters: - n – Normal stress over the rotated plane (see figure 24.1 on the book from UNED).
- t – Tangential stress normal to the weld axis.
(n, t)¶ Return the tangential stress normal to the weld axis on the throat plane from the values of the stress in the section rotated onto one of the weld legs. See “Estructuras de Acero” by Ramón Argüelles Álvarez (url={}, isbn={9788495279972}) page 4.17 and the book “Estructuras. Estructuras metálicas. U.D.2, Uniones” (url={}, isbn={9788486957087}) of Vicente Cudós Samblancat from Escuela de la Edificación.
Parameters: - n – Normal stress over the rotated plane (see figure 24.1 on the book from UNED).
- t – Tangential stress normal to the weld axis.
(tRig, c, fy)¶ Return stiffener plastic moment.
Parameters: - tRig – Stiffener thickness.
- c – Maximum stiffener depth.
- fy – Steel yield strength.
(tf, tw, r, b, a, fy, fu, betaW, gammaM2)¶ Return the bearing capacity of the angle support.
Parameters: - tf – Thickness of beam flange.
- tw – Thickness of beam web.
- r – Flange-web fillet radius.
- b – Support length measured perpendicular to the beam direction.
- a – Weld bead throat thickness.
- fy – Steel yield strength.
- fu – Steel ultimate strength (table 59.8.2 page 304 EAE).
- betaW – Correlation coefficient (table 59.8.2 page 304 EAE).
- gammaM2 – Partial safety factor for steel (clause 15.3 page 34 EAE).
(tf, r, tw, fy)¶ Return the local crushing strength of the beam web.
Parameters: - tf – Thickness of beam flange.
- r – Flange-web fillet radius.
- tw – Thickness of beam web.
- fy – Steel yield strength.
(b, a, fu, betaW, gammaM2)¶ Return the weld bead strength.
Parameters: - b – Support length measured perpendicular to the beam direction.
- a – Weld bead throat thickness.
- fu – Steel ultimate strength (table 59.8.2 page 304 EAE).
- betaW – Correlation coefficient (table 59.8.2 page 304 EAE).
- gammaM2 – Partial safety factor for steel (clause 15.3 page 34 EAE).
(b, t, fy)¶ Return angle leg shear strength.
Parameters: - b – Support length measured perpendicular to the beam direction.
- t – Angle leg thickness.
- fy – Steel yield strength.
- fu – Steel ultimate strength (table 59.8.2 page 304 EAE).
(a1, l, H, fu, betaW, gammaM2)¶ Return the angle support strength due to the collapse of weld beads (1) (see figure 61.1.5.b page 325 EAE) that connect the stiffener to the angle leg.
Parameters: - a1 – Weld throat thickness (1).
- l – Length of the horizontal cathetus of the stiffener.
- H – Length of the vertical cathetus of the stiffener.
- fu – Steel ultimate strength (table 59.8.2 page 304 EAE).
- betaW – Correlation coefficient (table 59.8.2 page 304 EAE).
- gammaM2 – Partial safety factor for steel (clause 15.3 page 34 EAE).
(a2, l, H, fu, betaW, gammaM2)¶ Return the angle support strength due to the collapse of weld beads (2) (see figure 61.1.5.b page 325 EAE) that connect the stiffener to the angle leg.
Parameters: - a2 – Weld throat thickness (2).
- l – Length of the horizontal cathetus of the stiffener.
- H – Length of the vertical cathetus of the stiffener.
- fu – Steel ultimate strength (table 59.8.2 page 304 EAE).
- betaW – Correlation coefficient (table 59.8.2 page 304 EAE).
- gammaM2 – Partial safety factor for steel (clause 15.3 page 34 EAE).
(a3, b, l, H, fu, betaW, gammaM2)¶ Return the angle support strength due to the collapse of weld beads (3) (see figure 61.1.5.b page 325 EAE) that connect the stiffener to the angle leg.
Parameters: - a3 – Weld throat thickness (3).
- b – Angle leg length (beads length 3).
- l – Length of the horizontal cathetus of the stiffener.
- H – Length of the vertical cathetus of the stiffener.
- fu – Steel ultimate strength (table 59.8.2 page 304 EAE).
- betaW – Correlation coefficient (table 59.8.2 page 304 EAE).
- gammaM2 – Partial safety factor for steel (clause 15.3 page 34 EAE).
(CE, d, MplRd)¶ Return the angle support strength due to the collapse of the stiffener.
Parameters: - CE – Coeficiente de escuadra.
- d – Lever arm of the load.
- MplRd – Plastic moment of the stiffener section.
(tChapa, l, H)¶ Return the maximum depth of the stiffener (see figure 61.1.5.b page 325 EAE).
Parameters: - tChapa – Thickness of the sheets that supports the load.
- l – Length of the horizontal cathetus of the stiffener.
- H – Length of the vertical cathetus of the stiffener.