

actions.basic_loads.nodal_loads.load_on_nodes_in_face(face, load_pattern, load)

create a point load on each node belonging to a face

actions.basic_loads.nodal_loads.load_on_nodes_in_line(setLinea, load_pattern, load)

create a point load on each node belonging to a line

actions.basic_loads.nodal_loads.nodal_load_on_lstNodes(load_pattern, nodeTags, load)

create a point load on each node in a list of node-tags

actions.basic_loads.nodal_loads.nodal_load_on_lstPoints(preprocessor, load_pattern, lst_points, load)

create a point load on each node associated with a point in a list of point-tags

actions.basic_loads.nodal_loads.nodal_load_on_point(preprocessor, load_pattern, id_point, load)

create a point load on the node associated with a point