
class xc.BidimLoad

Bases: xc.ElementBodyLoad

class xc.BidimMecLoad

Bases: xc.BidimLoad

getResultant((BidimMecLoad)arg1, (Pos3d)arg2, (bool)arg3) → SlidingVectorsSystem3d :

Returns load resultant (force and moment integration over the elements).

C++ signature :
SlidingVectorsSystem3d getResultant(XC::BidimMecLoad {lvalue},Pos3d,bool)
class xc.ShellMecLoad

Bases: xc.BidimMecLoad

getGlobalForces((ShellMecLoad)arg1) → Matrix :

Returns force vector(s) in global coordinates.

C++ signature :
XC::Matrix getGlobalForces(XC::ShellMecLoad {lvalue})
getGlobalMoments((ShellMecLoad)arg1) → Matrix :

Returns force vector(s) in global coordinates.

C++ signature :
XC::Matrix getGlobalMoments(XC::ShellMecLoad {lvalue})
getGlobalVectors((ShellMecLoad)arg1, (Matrix)arg2) → Matrix :
C++ signature :
XC::Matrix getGlobalVectors(XC::ShellMecLoad {lvalue},XC::Matrix)
getLocalForce((ShellMecLoad)arg1) → Vector :

Returns local coordinates or force vector.

C++ signature :
XC::Vector getLocalForce(XC::ShellMecLoad {lvalue})
getLocalForces((ShellMecLoad)arg1) → Matrix :
C++ signature :
XC::Matrix getLocalForces(XC::ShellMecLoad {lvalue})
getLocalMoment((ShellMecLoad)arg1) → Vector :

Returns local coordinates of bending moment vector.

C++ signature :
XC::Vector getLocalMoment(XC::ShellMecLoad {lvalue})
getLocalMoments((ShellMecLoad)arg1) → Matrix :
C++ signature :
XC::Matrix getLocalMoments(XC::ShellMecLoad {lvalue})
class xc.ShellUniformLoad

Bases: xc.ShellMecLoad

getDistributedGlobalMoments((ShellUniformLoad)arg1) → Matrix :

Returns distributed moment vectors (one for each element) expressed in global coordinates.

C++ signature :
XC::Matrix getDistributedGlobalMoments(XC::ShellUniformLoad {lvalue})
getDistributedLocalMoments((ShellUniformLoad)arg1) → Matrix :

Returns distributed moment vectors (one for each element) expressed in element local coordinates.

C++ signature :
XC::Matrix getDistributedLocalMoments(XC::ShellUniformLoad {lvalue})
getGlobalPressures((ShellUniformLoad)arg1) → Matrix :

Returns pressure vectors (one for each element) expressed in global coordinates.

C++ signature :
XC::Matrix getGlobalPressures(XC::ShellUniformLoad {lvalue})
getLocalPressures((ShellUniformLoad)arg1) → Matrix :

Returns pressure vectors (one for each element) expressed in element local coordinates.

C++ signature :
XC::Matrix getLocalPressures(XC::ShellUniformLoad {lvalue})
getResultant((ShellUniformLoad)arg1, (Pos3d)arg2, (bool)arg3) → SlidingVectorsSystem3d :

Returns the load resultant (integration of the pressures over the elements).

C++ signature :
SlidingVectorsSystem3d getResultant(XC::ShellUniformLoad {lvalue},Pos3d,bool)
class xc.BidimStrainLoad

Bases: xc.BidimLoad

getStrain((BidimStrainLoad)arg1, (int)arg2) → Vector :
C++ signature :
XC::Vector getStrain(XC::BidimStrainLoad {lvalue},unsigned long)
setStrainComp((BidimStrainLoad)arg1, (int)arg2, (int)arg3, (float)arg4) → None :
C++ signature :
void setStrainComp(XC::BidimStrainLoad {lvalue},unsigned long,unsigned long,double)
class xc.ShellStrainLoad

Bases: xc.BidimStrainLoad