Graphic representation of fields over the mesh.
(name, functionName, xcSet, component=None, fUnitConv=1.0, rgMinMax=None)¶ Bases:
Scalar field defined as property value at nodes.
(defDisplay, fName=None, caption='', defFScale=0.0)¶
(defDisplay, fName=None, caption='')¶
(name, functionName, xcSet, component=None, fUnitConv=1.0, rgMinMax=None)¶ Bases:
Scalar field defined at nodes. :ivar rgMinMax: range (vmin,vmax) with the maximum and minimum values
of the scalar field (if any) to be represented. All the values less than vmin are displayed in blue and those greater than vmax in red (defaults to None)-
(defDisplay, fName=None, caption='', defFScale=0.0)¶
(defDisplay, fName=None, caption='', defFScale=0.0)¶
(name, functionName, component=None, fUnitConv=1.0, rgMinMax=None)¶ Bases:
Scalar field defined at nodes.
Variables: rgMinMax – range (vmin,vmax) with the maximum and minimum values of the field to be represented. All the values less than vmin are displayed in blue and those greater than vmax in red (defaults to None) -
(nodeSet)¶ Creates an vtkDoubleArray filled with the proper values.
(attributeName, argument, xcSet, component, fUnitConv, rgMinMax)¶ - return an scalar field that represents the control var over the
- elements in the set.
Parameters: - attributeName – name of the element’s property that has the control var in it for example as in elem.getProp(attributeName).eval(argument).
- argument – name of the control var to represent.
- xcSet – represent the field over those elements.
- component – component of the control var to represent.
- fUnitConv – unit conversion factor (i.e N->kN => fUnitConv= 1e-3).
(feProblem)¶ Bases:
This class is aimed at providing the user with a quick and easy way to display results (internal forces, displacements) of an user-defined load case.
Variables: - loadCaseName – name of the load case to be created
- loadCaseExpr – expression that defines de load case as a combination of previously defined actions e.g. ‘1.0*GselfWeight+1.0*GearthPress’
(loadCaseName='', setToDisplay=None, fUnitConv=1.0, elLoadComp='transComponent', elLoadScaleF=1.0, nodLoadScaleF=1.0, viewDef=<postprocess.xcVtk.vtk_graphic_base.CameraParameters object>, caption='', fileName=None, defFScale=0.0)¶ Display the loads applied on beam elements and nodes for a given load case
Parameters: - setToDisplay – set of beam elements to be represented
- fUnitConv – factor of conversion to be applied to the results (defaults to 1)
- elLoadComp –
component of the loads on elements to be depicted [possible components: ‘axialComponent’, ‘transComponent’,
’transYComponent’, ‘transZComponent’] - elLoadScaleF – factor of scale to apply to the diagram display of element loads (defaults to 1)
- nodLoadScaleF – factor of scale to apply to the vector display of nodal loads (defaults to 1)
- vwDef – camera parameters.
- caption – caption for the graphic
- fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
- defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
(itemToDisp='', setToDisplay=None, fConvUnits=1.0, unitDescription='', viewDef=<postprocess.xcVtk.vtk_graphic_base.CameraParameters object>, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0, rgMinMax=None)¶ displays the component of the displacement or rotations in the set of entities.
Parameters: - itemToDisp – component of the displacement (‘uX’, ‘uY’ or ‘uZ’) or the rotation (‘rotX’, rotY’, ‘rotZ’) to be depicted
- setToDisplay – set of entities to be represented (defaults to all entities)
- fConvUnits – factor of conversion to be applied to the results (defaults to 1)
- unitDescription – string describing units like ‘[mm] or [cm]’
- fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
- defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
- rgMinMax – range (vmin,vmax) with the maximum and minimum values of the field to be represented. All the values less than vmin are displayed in blue and those greater than vmax in red (defaults to None)
(itemToDisp='', setToDisplay=None, fConvUnits=1.0, unitDescription='', viewDef=<postprocess.xcVtk.vtk_graphic_base.CameraParameters object>, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0)¶ displays the component of internal forces in the set of entities as a scalar field (i.e. appropiated for 2D elements; shells…).
Parameters: - itemToDisp – component of the internal forces (‘N1’, ‘N2’, ‘N12’, ‘M1’, ‘M2’, ‘M12’, ‘Q1’, ‘Q2’) to be depicted
- setToDisplay – set of entities to be represented (default to all entities)
- fConvUnits – factor of conversion to be applied to the results (defalts to 1)
- unitDescription – string like ‘[kN/m] or [kN m/m]’
- viewDef – camera parameters.
- fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
- defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
(itemToDisp='', setToDisplay=None, fConvUnits=1.0, scaleFactor=1.0, unitDescription='', viewDef=<postprocess.xcVtk.vtk_graphic_base.CameraParameters object>, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0)¶ - displays the component of internal forces in the set of entities as a
- diagram over lines (i.e. appropiated for beam elements).
Parameters: - itemToDisp – component of the internal forces (‘N’, ‘Qy’ (or ‘Vy’), ‘Qz’ (or ‘Vz’), ‘My’, ‘Mz’, ‘T’) to be depicted
- setToDisplay – set of entities (elements of type beam) to be represented
- fConvUnits – factor of conversion to be applied to the results (defaults to 1)
- scaleFactor – factor of scale to apply to the diagram display
- unitDescription – string like ‘[kN/m] or [kN m/m]’
- vwDef – camera parameters.
- fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
- defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
(itemToDisp='', setToDisplay=None, fConvUnits=1.0, scaleFactor=1.0, unitDescription='', viewDef=<postprocess.xcVtk.vtk_graphic_base.CameraParameters object>, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0)¶ displays the a displacement (uX,uY,…) or a property defined in nodes as a diagram over lines (i.e. appropiated for beam elements).
Parameters: - itemToDisp – item to display.
- setToDisplay – set of entities (elements of type beam) to be represented
- fConvUnits – factor of conversion to be applied to the results (defalts to 1)
- scaleFactor – factor of scale to apply to the diagram display of
- unitDescription – string like ‘[m]’ or ‘[rad]’ or ‘[m/s2]’
- viewDef – camera parameters.
- fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
- defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
(wmDef=<postprocess.xcVtk.vtk_graphic_base.CameraParameters object>)¶ Returns a suitable display to show the graphics.
Parameters: vwDef – camera parameters.
(loadCaseName, loadCaseExpr='')¶
(vectorField, preprocessor, setToDisplay=None, vectorScale=1.0, viewDef=<postprocess.xcVtk.vtk_graphic_base.CameraParameters object>, caption='', fileName=None, defFScale=0.0)¶ vector field display of the loads applied to the chosen set of elements in the load case passed as parameter
Parameters: - vectorField – function that generates the vector field.
- setToDisplay – set of elements to be displayed (defaults to total set)
- vectorScale – factor to apply to the vectors length in the representation.
- viewDef – camera parameters.
- fileName – full name of the graphic file to generate. Defaults to None, in this case it returns a console output graphic.
- caption – text to display in the graphic
- defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
(attributeName, itemToDisp, beamSetDispRes, setToDisplay=None, fConvUnits=1.0, scaleFactor=1.0, caption=None, viewDef=<postprocess.xcVtk.vtk_graphic_base.CameraParameters object>, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0)¶ display results for beam elements from a limit state verification file.
:param attributeName:attribute name(e.g. ‘ULS_normalStressesResistance’) :param itemToDisp: result item to display (e.g. ‘N’, ‘My’, …) :param beamSetDispRes:set of linear elements to which display results :param setToDisplay: set of elements (any type) to be depicted
(defaults to None, in that case only elements in beamSetDispRes are displayed)Parameters: - fConvUnits – factor of conversion to be applied to the results (defaults to 1)
- scaleFactor – factor of scale to apply to the auto-scaled display (defaults to 1)
- caption – caption to display (defaults to ‘attributeName + itemToDisp’)
- viewDef – instance of class CameraParameters (defaults to ‘XYZPos’)
- fileName – file to dump the display (defaults to screen display)
- defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
(scaleFactor, fConvUnits, setToDispRes, setDisp, attributeName, component, caption, viewDef, defFScale, fileName)¶ Auxiliary function to display results on linear elements.
Parameters: - scaleFactor – factor of scale to apply to the diagram display
- fConvUnits – factor of conversion to be applied to the results
- setToDispRes – set of linear elements to which display results
- setDisp – set of elements (any type) to be depicted
:param attributeName:attribute name(e.g. ‘ULS_normalStressesResistance’) :param component: result item to display (e.g. ‘N’, ‘My’, …) :param caption: caption to display :param viewDef: instance of class CameraParameters :param defFScale: factor to apply to current displacement of nodes
so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)Parameters: fileName – file to dump the display
(preprocessor, eigenMode, setToDisplay=None, defShapeScale=0.0, equLoadVctScale=None, accelMode=None, unitsScale=1.0, viewDef=<postprocess.xcVtk.vtk_graphic_base.CameraParameters object>, caption='', fileName=None)¶ Display the deformed shape and/or the equivalent static forces associated with the eigenvibration mode passed as parameter.
Parameters: - eigenMode – eigenvibration mode to be displayed
- setToDisplay – set of elements to be displayed (defaults to total set)
- defShapeScale – factor to apply to deformed shape so that the displayed position of each node equals to the initial position plus its eigenVector multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
- equLoadVctScale – factor to apply to the vectors length in the representation of equivalent loads on nodes. If vectorEqLoadScale equals 0 or None, equivalent static loads are not represented. (defaults to None, in which case only deformed shape is depicted)
- accelMode – acceleration associated with the eigen mode depicted, only used if the equivalent static loads are to be displayed.
- unitsScale – factor to apply to the results if we want to change the unit system.
- viewDef – camera parameters.
- caption – text to display in the graphic
- fileName – full name of the graphic file to generate. Defaults to ` None`, in this case it returns a console output graphic.
(preprocessor, setToDisplay=None, loadCaseNm='', unitsScale=1.0, vectorScale=1.0, multByElemArea=False, viewDef=<postprocess.xcVtk.vtk_graphic_base.CameraParameters object>, caption='', fileName=None, defFScale=0.0)¶ vector field display of the loads applied to the chosen set of elements in the load case passed as parameter
Parameters: - setToDisplay – set of elements to be displayed (defaults to total set)
- loadCaseNm – name of the load case to be depicted
- unitsScale – factor to apply to the results if we want to change the unit system.
- vectorScale – factor to apply to the vectors length in the representation
- multByElemArea –
boolean value that must be True if we want to represent the total load on each element (=load multiplied by element area) and False if we are going to depict the value of
the uniform load per unit area - viewDef – camera parameters.
- fileName – full name of the graphic file to generate. Defaults to ` None`, in this case it returns a console output graphic.
- caption – text to display in the graphic
- defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
(prep, setToDisplay=None, vectorScale=1.0, viewDef=<postprocess.xcVtk.vtk_graphic_base.CameraParameters object>, caption='', fileName=None, defFScale=0.0)¶ vector field display of the loads applied to the chosen set of elements in the load case passed as parameter
Parameters: - setToDisplay – set of elements to be displayed (defaults to total set)
- vectorScale – factor to apply to the vectors length in the representation.
- viewDef – camera parameters.
- fileName – full name of the graphic file to generate. Defaults to None, in this case it returns a console output graphic.
- caption – text to display in the graphic
- defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
(preprocessor, setToDisplay=None, vectorScale=1.0, viewDef=<postprocess.xcVtk.vtk_graphic_base.CameraParameters object>, caption='', fileName=None, defFScale=0.0)¶ - vector field display of the loads applied to the chosen set of elements
- in the load case passed as parameter
Parameters: - setToDisplay – set of elements to be displayed (defaults to total set)
- vectorScale – factor to apply to the vectors length in the representation.
- viewDef – camera parameters.
- fileName – full name of the graphic file to generate. Defaults to None, in this case it returns a console output graphic.
- caption – text to display in the graphic
- defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
(nmbUGrid, setName)¶
(nmbUGrid, setName, renderer)¶
(recordGrid, renderer)¶ Display node labels
Routines to display limit state results over the finite element mesh.
(limitStateLabel, argument, elementSet, component, fUnitConv, fileName, captionTexts, defFScale=0.0, viewDef=<postprocess.xcVtk.vtk_graphic_base.CameraParameters object>, rgMinMax=None)¶ Display a field defined over bi-dimensional elements in its two directions.
Parameters: - limitStateLabel – label that identifies the limit state.
- argument – name of the control var to represent.
- xcSet – represent the field over those elements with “genDescr” and “sectDescr” attributes.
- component – component of the control var to represent.
- fUnitConv – unit conversion factor (i.e N->kN => fUnitConv= 1e-3).
- fileName – file name to store the image. If none -> window on screen.
- captionTexts – dictionary of caption texts.
- defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
- viewDef – camera parameters (position, orientation,…)
- rgMinMax – range (vmin,vmax) with the maximum and minimum values of the scalar field (if any) to be represented. All the values less than vmin are displayed in blue and those greater than vmax in red (defaults to None)
(limitStateLabel, argument, elementSet, genDescr, sectDescr, component, fUnitConv, fileName, captionTexts, defFScale=0.0, viewDef=<postprocess.xcVtk.vtk_graphic_base.CameraParameters object>, rgMinMax=None)¶ Display a field defined over bi-dimensional elements in its two directions.
Parameters: - limitStateLabel – label that identifies the limit state.
- argument – name of the control var to represent.
- xcSet – represent the field over those elements.
- genDescr – text to identify the set (i.e ‘deck’ or ‘west wall’).
- sectDescr – text list to identify each direction (as [‘vertical reinforcement’, ‘horizontal reinforcement’]).
- component – component of the control var to represent.
- fUnitConv – unit conversion factor (i.e N->kN => fUnitConv= 1e-3).
- fileName – file name to store the image. If none -> window on screen.
- captionTexts – dictionary of caption texts.
- defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
- viewDef – camera parameters (position, orientation,…)
- rgMinMax – range (vmin,vmax) with the maximum and minimum values of the scalar field (if any) to be represented. All the values less than vmin are displayed in blue and those greater than vmax in red (defaults to None)
Graphics of the finite element model.
¶ Bases:
Define the parameters to configure the output device.
(xcSet, caption='', cameraParameters=<postprocess.xcVtk.vtk_graphic_base.CameraParameters object>, defFScale=0.0)¶ Graphic of the FE mesh
Parameters: - xcSet – XC set of elements to be displayed
- caption – text to write in the graphic
- cameraParameters – camera parameters (position, orientation,…).
- defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
(reprType, field, color=<xc.Vector object>)¶ Define the actor to display elements
Parameters: - reprType – type of representation (“points”, “wireframe” or “surface”)
- field – field to be repreresented
- color – RGB color to represent the elements (defaults to random color)
(radius)¶ Define the actor to display nodes.
Parameters: radius – radius of the sphere used as symbol to represent nodes.
(field, defFScale=0.0, eigenMode=None)¶ Load the element mesh
Parameters: - field – scalar field to be represented
- defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. In case of modal analysis, the displayed position of each node equals to the initial position plus its eigenVector multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
- eigenMode – eigenvibration mode if we want to display the deformed shape associated with it when a modal analysis has been carried out. Defaults to None: no modal analysis.
(elemSet, field, defFScale, nodeSize)¶
(field, defFScale=0.0, eigenMode=None, color=<xc.Vector object>)¶ Define the scene for the mesh
Parameters: - field – scalar field to be represented
- defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
(preprocessor, pLoad, loadPattern, renderer, color, force, fScale)¶ Display punctual loads on elements
(preprocessor, unifLoad, loadPattern, color, force, fScale)¶
(preprocessor, loadPattern, color, fScale)¶
(nod, color, force, moment, fScale, defFScale=0.0)¶ Display loads on one node
Parameters: - nod – node instance
- color – color
- force – force (displayed as a single arrow)
- moment – moment (displayed as a double arrow)
- fScale – scaling factor (forces and moments)
- defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
(preprocessor, loadPattern)¶
(xcSet, caption='', cameraParameters=<postprocess.xcVtk.vtk_graphic_base.CameraParameters object>, vectorScale=1.0)¶ vector field display of the loads applied to the chosen set of elements in the load case passed as parameter
Parameters: - xcSet – set of elements to be displayed (defaults to total set)
- caption – text to display in the graphic
- cameraParameters – camera parameters (position, orientation,…).
- vectorScale – factor to apply to the vectors length in the representation
(xcSets, field=None, diagrams=None, fName=None, caption='', defFScale=0.0, nodeSize=0.01, scaleConstr=0.2)¶ Display the finite element mesh
Parameters: - xcSets – set or list of sets to be displayed
- field – scalar field to show (optional)
- diagrams – diagrams to show (optional)
- fName – name of the graphic file to create (if None -> screen window).
- caption – text to display in the graphic.
- defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
- nodeSize – size of the points that represent nodes (defaults to 0.01)
- scaleConstr – scale of SPConstraints symbols (defaults to 0.2)
(preprocessor, loadPattern, color, fScale)¶ Display the all nodal loads defined in a load pattern
Parameters: - preprocessor – preprocessor
- loadPattern – load pattern
- color – color of the symbols (arrows)
- fScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
(xcSet, scale)¶
(preprocessor, xcSet, field, fName=None)¶