XC Open source finite element analysis program
Inter process communication.


class  XC::Actor
class  XC::ArrayCommMetaData
 Data about the position, size, ... of the array to transmit. More...
class  XC::BrokedPtrCommMetaData
 Data to transmit for a pointer «broked». More...
class  XC::CommMetaData
 Data about the index, size,,... of the object to transmit. More...
class  XC::CommParameters
 Communication parameters between processes. More...
class  XC::DbTagData
 Vector que almacena los dbTags de los miembros de la clase. More...
class  XC::DistributedBase
 Base class for distributed processing. More...
class  XC::DistributedObj
 Object distributed on many processes. More...
class  XC::MatrixCommMetaData
 Data about the position, size,... of the object to transmit. More...
class  XC::MovableBJTensor
 BJTensor that can move between processes. More...
class  XC::MovableContainer< C >
 Container that can move between processes. More...
class  XC::MovableID
 ID that can move between processes. More...
class  XC::MovableMap< T >
 Template class for maps that can move between processes. More...
class  XC::MovableMatrices
 Matrices that can move between objects. More...
class  XC::MovableMatrix
 Matrix that can move between processes. More...
class  XC::MovableObject
 Object that can move between processes. More...
class  XC::MovableString
 String that can move between processes. More...
class  XC::MovableStrings
 Strings that can move between processes. More...
class  XC::MovableVector
 Vector that can move between processes. More...
class  XC::MovableVectors
 Vector can move between processes. More...
class  XC::TensorCommMetaData
 Data about the address, size,... of the tensor to transmit. More...
class  XC::MPI_ChannelAddress
 It is used to encapsulate the addresses used to send/recv messages using the MPI library. More...
class  XC::SocketAddress
 It is used to encapsulate the addresses used to send/recv messages using Berkeley sockets. SocketAddress is needed as a friend by UDP_Socket & TCP_Socket. More...
class  XC::Channel
 Channel is an abstract base class which defines the channel interface. A channel is a point of communication in a program, a mailbox to/from which data enters/leaves a program. More...
class  XC::ChannelQueue
 Data about the postion, size,... of the object to transmit. More...
class  XC::MPI_Channel
 MPI_Channel is a sub-class of channel. It is implemented with Berkeley stream sockets using the TCP protocol. Messages delivery is garaunteed. Communication is full-duplex between a pair of connected sockets. More...
class  XC::TCP_Socket
 TCP_Socket is a sub-class of channel. It is implemented with Berkeley stream sockets using the TCP protocol. Messages delivery is garaunteed. Communication is full-duplex between a pair of connected sockets. More...
class  XC::TCP_SocketNoDelay
 TCP_SocketNoDelay is a sub-class of channel. It is implemented with Berkeley stream sockets using the TCP protocol. Messages delivery is garaunteed. Communication is full-duplex between a pair of connected sockets. More...
class  XC::UDP_Socket
 DP_Socket is a sub-class of channel. It is implemented with Berkeley datagram sockets using the UDP protocol. Messages delivery is thus unreliable. More...
class  XC::AlphaBaseMachineBroker
 DEC Alpha machine broker? More...
class  XC::AlphaMachineBroker
class  XC::DecMachineBroker
 Broker for DEC machines. More...
class  XC::MachineBroker
 A MachineBroker is responsible for getting an actor process running on the parallel machine. More...
class  XC::MillMachineBroker
class  XC::MPI_MachineBroker
 MPI_MachineBroker is the broker responsible for monitoring the usage of the processes in an mpi run. More...
class  XC::Message
 Message between processes. More...
class  XC::FEM_ObjectBroker
 FEM_ObjectBroker is is an object broker class for the finite element method. All methods are virtual to allow for subclasses; which can be used by programmers when introducing new subclasses of the main objects. More...
class  XC::FEM_ObjectBrokerAllClasses
 The same as FEM_ObjectBroker? More...
class  XC::ObjectBroker
 Base class for brokers. More...
class  XC::Shadow

Detailed Description